Starting again-ish 1018 days logging

Well I did what I said I wouldn't do and gained back almost all the weight that I had lost. In 2017/18 I lost 60lbs getting down to 142. I swore to myself that I would not see 200 again. Well here I am at 196 and scared. I never stopped logging daily and I know my problem is overeating. I eat on average 2500 calories a day, too much for my 5'4 self. I have gained 20 pounds in 1 year. I had a baby last year and breastfeeding has made me so hungry and lacking in my self control. So anyways baby turns 1 on Wednesday and I'm starting keto again. I am still breastfeeding so hopefully keto won't kill my supply. I would love friends requests as most of my friends have stopped logging. I also suspect that I'll end up pregnant again eventually, and would like to continue healthy eating.