Celiac disease

Anyone here have celiac disease also have any tips to help bloating? I bloat 24/7 regardless of diet monitoring or modifying. It’s hard to work on my stomach... any advice appreciated :)


  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Are you maybe lactose intolerant? I'm celiac and that was the case for me... Had stomach issues until I cut out dairy.
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    Have you been tested positive for celiac disease? What's your diet currently like? Avoiding gluten 100%, I hope?

    Have you tried the FODMAP diet, used to treat IBS? Your symptoms sound like IBS could be the culprit.

    I don't have celiac but I have IBS, and there's some overlap in the diets. In IBS, the thing causing stomach issues and bloating is certain types of carbs, not proteins like gluten. Coincidentally, cereals that contain gluten (wheat, barley, rye) have their carbs in the form that causes IBS issues. Since many gluten free products are made by chemically purifying those cereals to just include the starch=carb and remove gluten, gluten-free isn't good enough for me, I have to also check what it's actually made of.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,515 Member
    The good news is that bloating is not fat. Thus it stands outside of your fatloss goal. Bloat of course can also also on the scale to some extend. Thus I would always weigh in the morning after going to the loo and without clothes. And accept that weight just fluctuates due to reasons outside of bodyfat, like bloat, like waterweight (which especially we women are prone to anyway).
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    It does sound like possible lactose intolerance. My wife has celiac's and her lactose intolerance flew under the radar for a long time, with us assuming her symptoms were part of the whole celiac's *kitten* show. Turns out she was a simple lactaid pill away from curing the bloat problem. Worth a shot. If you're bloating when not having any gluten, it isn't the celiac's causing the bloat; it's some other food intolerance/allergy.

    But it could be the celiacs. Some celiac's people are so sensitive to gluten that even foods labeled "Certified Gluten Free" are not gluten free enough. The CGF designation allows up to 20 ppm of gluten, and some people, such as my wife, get sick on much, much less concentration than that. So you may want to look at your foods to see if any gluten is making its way into your diet.
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    I have a family member who has been living with celiac disease for over a decade and also is lactose intolerant. I would consider cutting out all dairy for a couple of weeks and seeing if that resolves the bloat. If it does, you can experiment and see how much wiggle room you have. My relative can deal with greek yogurt in moderate amounts, kefir in moderate amounts, and most hard cheeses in small amounts. Spouse has a milder lactose intolerance and he can get away with ice cream, but if he wants milk at all, he needs the lactose-free kind.

    The other thing is (and you probably know this), gluten can be found in all manner of things that you wouldn't ordinarily suspect. There are websites with some crowd-sourced data on various brands of things that play well or don't play well with celiac.