
Hi so started Monday was wondering why has my weight gone up 2 pound not down i am on monthly not sure if got anything to do with it


  • Em05us
    Em05us Posts: 117 Member
    Yes being on the monthly affects everyone differently. I never weigh myself until it's been at least a week because weightfluciates normally. I always weigh a few pounds more at that time of the month
  • thelastnightingale
    thelastnightingale Posts: 725 Member
    I always gain a few pounds of water weight, which come off immediately at the end of my period, providing - and this is the caveat - I don't binge eat. I always feel an uncontrollable urge to eat everything at the start of my period, so if I can fight that and eat normally, the excess period weight never becomes real.

    Power through, and the weight will go away again. You just have to resist the hormones telling you binge eating would be a marvellous idea.
  • dlianne256
    dlianne256 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi so lost 3 pounds but gone back to what i was don't get it