I highly recommend IF if you are looking to lean out



  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I've heard a lot about doing this recently.. I was wondering, did you feel like you were lacking energy during your workouts when doing IF?

    I do IF. One day on & then one off. SO I only eat every 2nd day. You dont lack energy. In fact you have more energy. I get personal bests on fasting days. But I do total water fasts & I'm not doing it for weight loss/leaning out. The heath reasons outweigh all that
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member

    Id still be doing it now except Im trying to bulk up and trying to fit my 3000 calories into 7 hours would be abit of a push lol.

    You can't eat 3000 calories in 7 hours? Really? I read this and had to admit to myself yet again that I'm a real oinker when it comes to mealtimes. I can wipe out double that in a sitting and go back for more.

    I'm not exaggerating, either. Even as a vegan who eats mostly fruits and vegetables, I can't lose weight on any form of daily fasting, not even the one meal in the evening version. I have to do 5:2 to get anywhere. This week I've been such a pig I'm having to do alternate day fasting instead. I'm pretty sure I come from an especially long line of face stuffers who didn't know where their next meal was coming from.

    So it's great it works for you, but a lot of people fail at it because they think they can eat whatever during their feed window without worrying about calories. Some people can do that and still lose weight, but listen up, my fellow piggies: this won't end well for us. We still have to count calories and adjust accordingly!
    What do you eat in one sitting that comes up to 6,000 calories and has you going back for more?

    I'm dying to know! Especially since you're a vegan!

    Oh man, I could easily do a vegan pig out.. This vegan pizza I make is like 2000 calories, and typically my fiance and I split it. Plus vegan cakes, cupcakes, ice creams, fries.. oh man you name it. I would kill for a free eating day that didn't contribute to my calories lol
  • Lemongrab13
    Lemongrab13 Posts: 206 Member
    I don't understand why this works differently to not fasting yet eating the same calorie amount everyday?
    Is it just giving your body more of s chance to lose weight without interruption?
    I'm really uninformed lol. Obviously...
  • iwantniceabs
    iwantniceabs Posts: 357 Member
    any books/sites you recommend for learning more about IF?