Hi everyone!

Hi I am Amanda. I am logging in again. I lost 85lbs from Jan ‘18 - Nov ‘18 and got pregnant with our 2nd. I let myself indulge a little during pregnancy and breastfeeding so now I am back. I gained about 40 lbs back of what I had lost. I logged back in at the end of April and was 235 lbs now I am around 228lbs. I am excited to get back to it but I have decided I will not beat myself up for having a treat or going over calorie counts. My mental stability needs to be there too 😊. Always looking for motivation buddies! I am 32 with a 3 yr old and an almost 9 month old and I stay at home with them.


  • CMillikan08
    CMillikan08 Posts: 45 Member
    Hey, I’m a stay at home momma too. 30 with a 5, 4, and 2 year old. I’m with you on letting go of striving for perfection. I’m focusing on progress. Sending friend request.
  • c_ray0191
    c_ray0191 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey! I’m a 29 yr old stay at home mom with 3 boys! They’re 8,7, & 7 months! I’m starting out at 229 & looking to lose about 80lbs!