Subscriptions for family members

stretch4169 Posts: 4 Member
Hi there,

Just a little feedback for you; I'm a father of 2 teenage girls and in these times our health, mental wellbeing and exercise are critical more than ever. I have the Premium account and currently have a 417 day streak (get me!), I also subscribe to various other things who are currently offering the ability to add your family members at no or little additional cost.

I feel it would be a great thing for MyFitnessPal to do for a short period, I know my girls would benefit but the costs prohibits me from adding them.

There after they would likely take up their own subscriptions in future, just a thought, what are yours?

Kindest regards,



  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    because of US laws (COPPA) under 18 kids aren't allowed access to sites like this without it having specifically partioned areas
  • GymGoddessGoals
    GymGoddessGoals Posts: 2,146 Member
    My kid is floating around here somewhere; but she is 27.