Losing weight at camp

Hey everyone!

I’ve been hired as a horse wrangler at a summer camp full time and I’m wondering if anyone has any tips and tricks for continuing to lose weight while over there? Obviously it’s much harder to choose your meals when a mass feeding of campers is happening with food that needs to be cheaper.

I’m all for the slow weight loss and just trying to remain steady in my calorie deficient but it will be much harder when I’m not picking the menu.

Thanks for your thoughts!!!


  • AKTipsyCat
    AKTipsyCat Posts: 240 Member
    Watch your portions. Horse wrangling sounds like a lot of work - so I'm sure you'll have the physical part of it down!!
  • LoKoMi
    LoKoMi Posts: 51 Member
    My daughter will also be a wrangler at a summer camp! She’s not looking to lose weight, though. My biggest concern is that she’ll be able to eat enough- she’ll be working hard and is a bit of a picky eater.

    My advice is assuming your camp will have similar meals- carb-heavy! If salad bar is an option, load up on veggies and greens but be aware that nuts seeds cheese and dressings can easily add too many calories. Also, you might be burning more calories than normal if all-day wrangling isn’t your norm. It’s possible you’ll need to eat more. Eat well! Eat as balanced of a diet as you’re able. Drink mostly water- sodas milk and juice are very high calorie.

    Enjoy your summer! And measure your progress by your fitness level and fit of your clothing in addition to the number on the scale.