Newbie getting nowhere fast!

Hi everyone,
I am new to the forums here and thought I would say hello. I am Kelly, 31 years old and have been trying to lose weight for years (since I had those pesky children!).

In BMI terms I am 3 stone overweight, but I haven't been 8stone 10lbs since I was about 15years old so don't really think I need to lose that much weight! I am aiming to lose 2 stone which will put me in the middle of a healthy BMI range.

I am on day 3 today. I am trying to up my protein, increase salad and veg and decrease fat, sugars, processed foods and carbs. I think it is going ok...

I also need to do a lot of excersie to lose weight, changing my eating habits just doesn't shift the weight. So, I am on the 30 Day Shred and also jogging on my treadmill. I am so unfit though.

Anyway, I hope to use this forum to get the support (and kick up the bum) I need...I am a bridesmaid in a month so need to shift some weight to feel half decent in my dress.
