Bodybuilding Journey. Looking for friends.

Hey everyone! I’m on a Bodybuilding Journey. Looking for friends. Good luck today!


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Welcome to the group. Feel free to add me. Right now i am cutting down. Hoping to run a TKD bulk once the gyms open again.
  • watts6151
    watts6151 Posts: 905 Member
    Feel free to add, was prepping for a show now just spinning my wheels until gyms reopen and show dates can be confirmed
  • alexmose
    alexmose Posts: 792 Member
    watts6151 wrote: »
    Feel free to add, was prepping for a show now just spinning my wheels until gyms reopen and show dates can be confirmed

    Wow I feel this hard
  • watts6151
    watts6151 Posts: 905 Member
    alexmose wrote: »
    watts6151 wrote: »
    Feel free to add, was prepping for a show now just spinning my wheels until gyms reopen and show dates can be confirmed

    Wow I feel this hard

    We’re you planning on competing this season?
  • notsobadaguyguy
    notsobadaguyguy Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all. I am currently preparing for an OCB show in Biddeford, Maine this year. I will send everyone above an invite.
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,449 Member
    Not a bodybuilder but just wanted to say I take my hat off to you guys. There is no way I could do what you do - especially the cutting!