Just a little backstory f(22) , I lost about 21kg between October 2018 up to February 2019 and I went from 97kg to 76kg and I was working out daily (intense workouts at the gym) and eating within a calorie deficit as well as doing IF 16:8. However, I started slacking when I enrolled in university due to full days of class plus I commute so I'm out from around 5.30am to 9pm and I don't workout on those days as it is tiring and I do a fair amount of power walking throughout. Over the last year I've steadily gained back some weight and dm now 85kg. My question is, prior to this, even with normal eating and no exercising, my weight fluctuated almost everyday. This week I got back on my weight loss journey and started a calorie deficit with IF and also working out (though not as intensely as before because I can't go to the gym) and yet I haven't lost anything? I know it's only been a week but back when I first started losing weight I'd lose a little bit of weight at least every 3 days as well as prior to restating this week when my weight would fluctuate about 1-2kg, but now my weight has been stagnant for the past week since I got back into my journey. I'm not giving up but it is demotivating. (no I'm not bloating so that possibility is out of the question)