Can you anyone explain this?!! Seems absurd.



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,458 Member

    Don't get your back up---it won't help. The people posting are almost all experts. I've been here 7 yrs and can assure you of that. Now. What you're doing is not working. So it's time to change things up. It doesn't matter what you think SHOULD be happening--it isn't. The only way to find out where the problem is, is for you to start weighing and logging everything exactly. Once you've got that, the answers will come. What do you have to lose--except weight?

    Indeed. I have to say though, if in fact you ate enough to gain 47 pounds in that amount of time, that would be SO MUCH food. So I have to lean toward those who are saying to get a medical checkup. Could be all kinds of things, it's definitely not normal, no matter how much you are eating. You could know if you were eating something like a gallon of ice cream every other day - unless you're sleep eating!

  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    Aside from the obvious questions regarding accuracy of logging and burn estimates, here's one to consider: you mention you have taken photos but don't notice a lot of change. How do you feel? I mean, honestly, do you feel fatter? Do you feel extremely bloated (like, for example, your fingers feel "tight" when you squeeze them into a fist)? Do you feel like it's spread throughout or is there a particular spot in your body that feels bigger?

    I'm asking because if there is major water retention, it could be a sign of medical problems.

    Another thing to consider in the realm of non-fat weight gains is bowel movements. I'm not suggesting you have a 47-lb dump waiting to happen (although how good would it feel after that?), but during this troubleshooting of your body it might also be good to pay attention to overall health and digestion.
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