Half the man I used to be

alligatorob Posts: 736 Member
My peak weight was 360 lbs, this morning I weigh 180 lbs.

It has been a long process, my peak weight was about 15 years ago and I have had a lot of ups and downs. I started MFP at 335 lbs a few years ago, and started my current diet at 320 lbs last May. Since then I have not had s single day over 1,500 calories and averaged about 1,200. It has been over a year now without a binge. I started consistently exercising, for the first time in my life, and am feeling a whole lot better.

I still have about 20 lbs to go to get to my goal, and then a lifetime of maintenance.

If I can do this anybody can, nothing exceptional about me, just an average guy.


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