Dessert ideas



  • forestoftreas
    forestoftreas Posts: 1 Member
    Ben and jerry makes awesome egg free cookie dough bites. 2tbsp = 110 calls. Delish.
  • saltysparkle
    saltysparkle Posts: 145 Member
    Macrobiotic folks make kanten, which is like a vegan Jello-type dessert, often with fresh fruit suspended in it. When it's done right, it's light and refreshing and can be really delicious. Unfortunately, whenever I try to make it I can't quite figure out when to stop cooking it, and it either comes out underdone and runny, or too hard and kind of...soapy. So, I know, not a great ad, but if you know someone who's good at making it, try it! It really is good when it's done right!
  • AshHeartsJesus
    AshHeartsJesus Posts: 460 Member
    Strawberries with reddi whip topping
    Skinny chocolate- 1Tbs of coconut oil, stevia to taste, and 2tsp cocoa powder
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I mix a sachet of low cal hot chocolate into a tub of fat free quark. It's like thick chocolate mousse.

    I have been hunting for this thing called quark for weeks! I have tried multiple grocery stores in PA, but have not found it yet.

    If anyone is familiar with a chain that carries it, I would really like to try it!
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Quark. I have bought it at natural foods. I googled and it said try Aldi or Sprouts. You can order it from Walmart. You might try German markets for homemade. I was curious, but after tasting it, I won’t look for it again, just use Greek yogurt. If I happen to see it, I might try it again.
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Quark. I have bought it at natural foods. I googled and it said try Aldi or Sprouts. You can order it from Walmart. You might try German markets for homemade. I was curious, but after tasting it, I won’t look for it again, just use Greek yogurt. If I happen to see it, I might try it again.

    Thank you! I am curious also. I hate Greek yogurt with a passion, so I don’t know if quark will be any better for me, but I wanted to give it a shot. 🙂
  • BackwoodsDarlin
    BackwoodsDarlin Posts: 109 Member
    I like taking "Banana Yogurt" and mixing in 2 Tbsp PB Fit (Peanut Butter powder I get from Sam's Club - love it way more than PB2)... give that Peanut Butter and Banana flavor... Yum!
  • etolv
    etolv Posts: 48 Member
    Maybe this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but for me sometimes even a bowl of cherries can be so satisfying!
  • aresgeld63
    aresgeld63 Posts: 2 Member
  • AliciaHollywood
    AliciaHollywood Posts: 102 Member
    Get an ice cream maker on Amazon. I add low fat vanilla yogurt combined with vanilla almond milk then add all sorts of healthy things like matcha tea powder, flax seed meal, chia seeds, organic cacao powder, salt free sunflower seeds, sugar free coconut chips or fresh coconut, frozen banana, any frozen fruit, delicious! You can also do just frozen fruit for a sorbet. Tastes decadent but so healthy! Adding too much sunflower seeds or flax or chia seeds can add a lot of calories so be careful but they are very healthy calories and it’s really more of a meal replacement than dessert. You can also add protein powder. You can really add anything! I want to try carrot frozen yogurt!
  • emmakent1004
    emmakent1004 Posts: 6 Member
    I LOVE healthy baked apples! Take any recipe, sub out the sugar for low cal sweetener, add oats and raisins and use marg instead of butter. So delicious with some sweetened Greek yogurt!
  • mylittlerainbow
    mylittlerainbow Posts: 822 Member
    They have Quark at Wegmans, but it's the full-fat Vermont Creamery kind. 35 calories per oz/8 oz in a container. So you'd have to be much more sparing, but it's creamier.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,060 Member
    Raspberry cheesecake bites with or without crust
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    I have been managing my cravings pretty well with 100 calorie Rice Krispies treats. They come prepackaged so I don't have to worry about how big a portion I'm cutting. The fun size Kit Kat bars are 80 calories each and I keep them in the freezer, so they are cold/crisp/chocolate, and that works for me.

    I also eat trail mix when I want something more solid, and that's 140 calories for a quarter cup. But that's a satisfying amount, so that's okay. I can have an English muffin with jam on it for 160 calories, and that's my usual breakfast. A cheese stick and three big wheat crackers is also 140 calories, and that is sometimes good.

    Hot cocoa with real whipped cream is satisfying enough to go to sleep on, and is about 60 calories, and chai tea with cream in it is also about 60 calories.

    Every now and then I run over 60-100 calories because I had an unplanned snack, but I view it as much better than the random binges that I used to do, and that's not enough to really get me off track anyway.
  • kiaraelaine
    kiaraelaine Posts: 1 Member
    I love a bit of cottage cheese, few sliced strawberries and a little drizzle of honey! 125g of cottage cheese is only just over 100cal so you can vary your toppings to suit your calorie goal.
  • Iwantahealthierme30
    Banana or apple and peanut butter
    Jello and realwhip cream
    1/2 cup Ice cream
    100 cal hot chocolate
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    Another fan of cooked fruit here - lovely flavours, sweet hit plus vitamin/fibre etc. How about:

    Baked apple stuffed with sultanas - no need to add sugar

    Banana slices cooked on the stove in a small dollop of butter, lemon, ginger and sugar

    Apricot or plums - quickly cooked in the microwave (or more slowly in the oven if it’s in anyway) - adding cardamom seeds to the plums is a great match. Just a sprinkle of sugar, a small amount of water and a lid.

    Usually all served with a bit of Yeo valley yoghurt.

    M&S in the uk do good yoghurt stick lollies

    We sometimes add a couple of eg almond thin biscuits to a spoon of ice cream and strawberries / raspberries

    We always have pud - and usually it is only high calorie at the weekend...