Team Slow and Steady -- Friends needed!!


I'm looking for buddies who can give me gentle nudges and just keep my mind on health. I'm not an intense weight-losser so I probably won't be a big help if you're restricting your calories to the T and running 5 miles a day. i'm more the type that's trying to be conscious of what I'm eating and exercise more. It's great to be super motivated and into it but I personally find whenever I try super strict and high energy diets or routines I just get mad, depressed, and fall way back. What works for me best is mindfulness. So if you're team slow and steady, lmk!! I'd love to make some friends, motivate you, and have a support team with me as I try to get back to where i was pre-covid19. We can check in on eachother, share small chat, and spread positivity <3

Boring bio you can skip : My name is Cara. I had anorexia in grade school, then binge eating disorder in high school. Got up to 250 and was bounching from 200 - 250 on and off through college on these strict diets, tough exercise routines, etc. Around the end of 2019 I started really caring about just being healthy -- rather than skinny -- instead, and slowly, miraculously, finally got under 200. I was 197 before quarantine, and then isolation drove me to 204. So here I am, trying to get back on track.

Friend me! and/or start a discussion about this method?