I need this

Hello all! My name is Bran! I’m 28 years old!

So my whole life i have battled with my weight. I grew up with a large Italian family , all I knew was finish everything on your plate and eat a lot until you’re absolutely stuffed. I ate every meal like it was my last. And these habits still fight me everyday to this day.
I was extremely overweight as a child , growing up I hated myself. As I got into school I realized I’m much larger than everyone else but just being a kid I had no idea how that has happened. In my high school days I stopped caring so much about eating because life was so exciting then so weight naturally fell off a little .
After I graduated I became obsessed with fitness and bodybuilding , I lost around 80 lbs in a 3-4 year span. Looking back I say wow I looked amazing but at the time I still hated myself, I always looked in the mirror and saw a fat kid. My mental health was very bad , I thought weight loss would make me happy but it didn’t.
Fast forward to today around 5 years later at 28 years old I have fell off the wagon and gained and lost weight many times but I am at my heaviest at about +110 from my lowest ever weight.
I’m resorting to these forums because what kept me motivated was another forum when I was most successful . It really helps having a community than trying to do this myself. I’m now on two blood pressure medication and I just really need to live day to day healthy. If you read this much thank you so much!


  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    FR sent
  • Kelceybyers
    Kelceybyers Posts: 56 Member
    I wish you the best of luck on your journey. I've struggled most of my life with weight as well. It's amazing how early eating habits can effect the rest of your life. You got this. :)
  • Brandon1992
    Brandon1992 Posts: 11 Member
    I wish you the best of luck on your journey. I've struggled most of my life with weight as well. It's amazing how early eating habits can effect the rest of your life. You got this. :)

    Thank you! Absolutely , i always say if I ever have children I will get them in good eating habits from the start and they wouldn’t even notice and could live a normal life without obsessing over food . My bad eating habits growing up really effects me every single day , im never satisfied unless I’m completely stuffed . So it’s always a challenge
  • giancarlov1191
    giancarlov1191 Posts: 493 Member
    Man, I see a lot of similarities between your story and mine.

    I'm also part of an Italian family, and you're right, food is a big part of the culture. I was overweight from most of my life but it's hard to talk about that as a guy. You don't really get the same support. Eventually I decided I had to go my own way and do what is right for me regardless of what anyone else might say.

    It's really hard to undo a lifetime of low self-esteem. Even though I'm not overweight now, I still don't feel totally at peace with who I am, especially now with the pandemic, it's harder to make the right choices. However I think with time and continued effort, I'll start to believe in the changes I've made.

    All the best with your journey!
  • Brandon1992
    Brandon1992 Posts: 11 Member
    Man, I see a lot of similarities between your story and mine.

    I'm also part of an Italian family, and you're right, food is a big part of the culture. I was overweight from most of my life but it's hard to talk about that as a guy. You don't really get the same support. Eventually I decided I had to go my own way and do what is right for me regardless of what anyone else might say.

    It's really hard to undo a lifetime of low self-esteem. Even though I'm not overweight now, I still don't feel totally at peace with who I am, especially now with the pandemic, it's harder to make the right choices. However I think with time and continued effort, I'll start to believe in the changes I've made.

    All the best with your journey!

    Great to hear there’s others out there with our similar stories . Someone who messed up by regaining what they lost and back and more , my advice would be to you is to talk positive to yourself . See yourself in the mirror and be proud not always want more . I was never satisfied with myself because I thought that’s how you had to be to stay motivated . But I think if I was easier on myself I wouldn’t have gained the weight back and Would of been happy where I was.

    But ya man Italian family is tough , every single night or event the whole day is planned around food . It was great at the time but looking back now it was so unhealthy !
  • christys03
    christys03 Posts: 22,785 Member
    Fr sent.💛