Sick and Hungry

So for the past few days I've been sick. I have some form of respiratory/bronchial infection. Its driving me nuts . I can't workout because I can't breathe well.
Also I've been eating a lot. I've been craving things that are sweet and just terrible for a person with a healthy lifestyle. I need to get back on my routine fast.
Can jumping back into the gym too soon make my illness last longer?
and Is this calorie deficit good for getting over a sickness?...would it be best if I went up to my maintenance calories until I got better?
or should I just hit the gym and not care?


  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member
    So for the past few days I've been sick. I have some form of respiratory/bronchial infection. Its driving me nuts . I can't workout because I can't breathe well.
    Also I've been eating a lot. I've been craving things that are sweet and just terrible for a person with a healthy lifestyle. I need to get back on my routine fast.
    Can jumping back into the gym too soon make my illness last longer?
    and Is this calorie deficit good for getting over a sickness?...would it be best if I went up to my maintenance calories until I got better?
    or should I just hit the gym and not care?
  • Keakia
    Keakia Posts: 18 Member
    I feel for sister in law has the same thing! I am not a dr. but I know from past experience that if I jump back too soon after an illness, I tend to stay sicker--longer. Does that make sense? Cut yourself some slack and do what you can :)
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    respiratory/bronchial infection? Have you seen you doctor? You need rest!!!

    1.) Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, or bronchi (the air passages that extend from the windpipe into the lungs). The inflammation may be caused by a virus, bacteria, smoking or the inhalation of chemical pollutants or dust. Bronchitis is caused when the cells of the bronchial lining tissue are irritated beyond a certain point and the tiny hairs (cilia) that normally trap and eliminate pollutants stop functioning. As a result, the air passages become clogged by debris, and irritation increases. In response, a heavy secretion of mucus develops, which causes the characteristic bronchitis cough. Bronchitis can be acute or chronic. Seek prompt treatment for either kind of bronchitis because pneumonia and other serious consequences can result.

    2.) Mesosilver Colloidal Silver
    All-natural colloidal silver strengthens the immune system to fight the infection of bronchitis. Mesosilver is a true colloidal silver consisting of pure, sterilized water and pure silver particles. The particles in Mesosilver are 0.65 nanometers small, making Mesosilver the most effective silver colloid available. Mesosilver does not interact or interfere with medications you may be taking. No adverse side effects have been reported from Mesosilver.

    Colloidal Silver Dosage
    To supplement the immune system take an oral dosage of Mesosilver. Oral dosages range from 2 or 3 teaspoons daily for maintenance up to 3 or 4 tablespoons to fortify the immune system. Our customers have also reported good results using a nebulizer to apply Mesosilver. Click here for more information about nebulizers for bronchiti