Measurement Goals

Has anyone set measurement goals outside of a goal weight? If so, how did you determine what measurements you wanted?


  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    Yeah. I don’t have exact goal measurements currently, but I have in the past. My usual go-to measurement goal is going down belt notches, and that goal is coming back when it’s belt-wearing season again (I’ve been living in yoga pants and working from home for last 3 months, I’ve worn jeans and a belt for less than 5 hours total since mid-March). Another goal I had success with before was I tried sucking my gut in as tight as I could, measured what my waist would be at that size, and then worked towards that. The feeling of achieving that was absolutely triumphant.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I actually put more emphasis on measurements than on scale weight. The only real goal I have is to get to a 35 inch or less waist. I am at 36 right now and down from over 41. Remember, measurement can fluctuate a little with water weight. So, don't freak out if one day it's up from what it's been. I can notice a variation of 1/4 to half an inch.

    From resistance training, I like to see things like my thighs, calfs and arms get bigger. But no specific target and it more of a visual goal of looking lean and fit.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,558 Member
    Nope, never worked for me as you don't know beforehand where you'll lose weight easily and where not. If I wanted to have slim thighs then I'd need to be underweight. Not a good idea.
  • xelsoo
    xelsoo Posts: 194 Member
    For 8 years now I've only used measurements and pictures as my tracking system. It's more reliable than checking your weight, in my opinion. I also say pictures because when I started adding more weights into my routine my glutes grew bigger but my waist stayed the same, and in the pictures I could see I was more defined than before.

    That being said, I've started weighing myself since 2 weeks ago because after two months and a half of quarantine I've gained more weight than I've had in some years, so I'm adding it as an extra precaution to stay aware for now.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Not really but I would love my hip/glutes to be larger and my waist to stay or be a bit smaller. This is going to be the work of more bulk/cut cycles. But in the end the visual is more important so I'm not super concerned with the exact numbers.
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    edited June 2020
    As long as my weight is within a healthy BMI, I have a goal weight range (with a ~15lb variance) as opposed to one specific number target.

    Reason being that my primary focus is on body fat percentage (I've yet to go below 26% on my own til now so my goal is low 20s or bust). This metric was chosen as a personal challenge.

    Other than that, I seem to have an "hourglass figure" regardless of my weight but I want this waist snatched to the heavens. Since I'm around 0.77 waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) right now, a lower priority goal is to get it around 0.68 to 0.72 or so. This metric was chosen based on society's misogynic ideals of beauty standards for women who remain oppressed by the patriarchy #dramamuch

    As you can see with all three quoted metrics - weight, body fat percentage, WHR - they are ranges.

    You can sculpt your body naturally...but only up to a certain point, I'd imagine.