
Can you freeze lettuce to keep it fresh?! I'm the only one in my house that eats it which it's just be and my bf but I can't eat it fast enough I eat at least one salad a day or try too. And it always goes bad by the time I can finish it and there's always a lot left over anyone have any tips!!


  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    It gets soggy if you freeze it, however there are some ZipLocks bags made to help veggies stay fresh
    They are tick and have tiny holes in it. Maybe you could try one of those? :)
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    Also there are containers that are specifically made for storing vegetables. They usually have a type of platform in the bottom to keep the lettuce free from the surface. You could even use a salad spinner.
  • helenrosemay
    helenrosemay Posts: 375 Member
    What type of lettuce do you use? I know with cos lettuce if you put it in a bowl of water a few hours before you eat it, it crisps it up. Don't know about other types of lettuce though.

    Also try storing it with a few paper towels in the bag/container. It absorbs the water and stops it going limp.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Can you freeze lettuce to keep it fresh?! I'm the only one in my house that eats it which it's just be and my bf but I can't eat it fast enough I eat at least one salad a day or try too. And it always goes bad by the time I can finish it and there's always a lot left over anyone have any tips!!

    since it's just you really eating it i would buy the small bags of mixed greens - a little more expensive but at least you're not throwing it away. i can get 2 salads out of 1 bag.
  • wildheart_cowgirl
    Wash your lettuce and remove any damaged leaves. Dry thoroughly. Then, wrap the lettuce in paper towel, and place it in a plastic bag (or a storage container). Store your lettuce in the refrigerator. Make sure to replace the paper towel any time it feels especially wet.
  • akillilea0812
    Yikes, dont freeze it. I would opt for the mixed greens in smaller bags/packages (like 15poundgoal said) or even try the "live lettuce" (still has its roots). It tends to last longer and its pretty fresh. And its not just a wacky whole foods product, ive seen it at my local grocery store as well as walmart and target superstores.

    Another tip, if you still find that you are wasting lettuce, is to start at the tips and work down to the base of the lettuce (this works for everything but iceberg really.... which is crunchy and delicious but has no nutrients :( booo). A good rule of thumb is the darker the leaves, the more nutrient dense they are. So start with the tips of the lettuce and then if you have to throw the rest away, at least you have gotten the best part of the plant first right?

    Hope this helps!