Running same day as weights or alternate?

Moter98 Posts: 51 Member
I want to add running into my routine. I would like to work up to 20-30 minutes of running 3 times a week. I also lift weights full body routine 3 times a week. I am wondering how to incorporate this as far as recovery goes. I workout 6 days a week 60 minutes and am in my 40's.I usually just do lighter cardio on lifting days and on non lifting days. Do I lift and run on the same day and use the alternate day for light cardio to recover or do I lift one day and run the next day? Does this allow enough recovery time to lift Mon, Wed, Fri and run Tues. Thurs Sat?


  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I encourage you seek whichever way you feel you can adhere knowing that how your results may change based on that decision.

    If a person is looking for general fitness or strength priority, I rather have a person run after their strength training if same day.

    If a person is looking to train for running goals as a priority, I rather have a person strength training after if same day.

    I believe current evidence suggests a 12 hour rest between both activities if same day for more optimal training.

    There is nothing wrong with alternate days if that seems more plausible to adhere to for you personally accounting for life.

    We don't know your training history, how you recover within your programming, exercise selection, how you plan to apply load management, etc...

    As for your recovery, no one can answer how you will respond best based on the info you have given. Light cardio, assuming this is something you can do while also holding a conversation the entire time shouldn't be a issue in general.

    If it's more demanding exertion, than I suggest come up with a plan according to your goals and give it a whirl. Change if needed.

  • Shortgirlrunning
    Shortgirlrunning Posts: 1,020 Member
    I run 3 times a week - mon, wed, sat. I do full body strength training 2 days a week - tues, thurs. I need a full rest day (like maybe I do yoga) before and after my long run (which right now is 6 miles). That’s what my body needs.

    Try out a schedule that you think will work for you and be willing to make adjustments as you go.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Whether or not it allows enough recovery depends on your level of fitness and the intensity of your workouts.

    20 to 30 minutes of running 3 x weekly doesn't require a great deal of recovery time (if you start going longer or faster that;s different) so the other factor would be how heavy you're lifting etc.

    This is purely anecdotal I know but.....a number of years ago I was doing Stronglifts 5 x 5 and training for a half marathon. At first squatting 3 x weekly didn't pose much of an issue but as the wight increased and my distances increased I found I wasn't getting enough recovery and my legs felt dead (keep in mind I was pushing 60 at the time and us old geezers do need more recovery time).

    Best suggestion that I can make is play it by ear and monitor yourself for undue fatigue or signs of overtraining.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Yes to answer your question. Most of the time, people run into problems, as Brian alluded to, when you do hard cardio 6 days a week and still want to lift. With 3 X lifting and 3X running, that should not be an issue at all. I'd alternate days and call it a good week.

    I think you're talking about elliptical or stationary bike on those days you lift? I'd use that as a light warmup prior to lifting. Doesn't sound intense from what I'm gathering. I'd keep those cardio days very easy and in essentially warmup mode until your body adjusts to running, which can make you feel beat up if you haven't run much before.
  • cupcakesandproteinshakes
    cupcakesandproteinshakes Posts: 1,092 Member
    I’m only an occasional runner but I tend not to run on the same day as legs day just because I seem to get crazy soreness the day after.