Losing 50-60 lbs

I'm back at it dieting, and I'm determined to make this the last time. I started at just over 230 lbs at the start of August, and I just got back under the 220 lb mark for the first time in a year after several lack-lustre attempts. (And yes, I'm aware the first week of major loss was mostly water weight). I already feel so much better, and can't wait to see what 210 lb feels like. Taking it seriously this time, as the track record for heart disease and early death among males in my family is quite high and I don't want to already be at the halfway point of my life.

I'm 25 and after packing on the pounds the last few years of graduate school, I've decided its time to get my health back on track as I start my new life. I'm looking to lose 50-60 lbs, and searching for some friends on here with similar goals to help keep me focused and accountable. If you're looking for the same, feel free to add me!