A long journey to stay healthy and fit

I am a man with weight of 99kg. And i am not happy with this condition of mine. i am 29 years old and i gained weight so much and weight and fat came with a problem called gaynecomestia. i have moobs which make me shame on my body.And i can't wear t-shirts of my choice and always wear loose clothes to hide my fat. but now i am here to change in me and my life style.Now i eat less with calculated calories and MFP helps me to check on what i eat and how much calories i burn. right now i followed just normal 1500 kacl. diet but need help for perfect diet for me and workout for my body.


  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    There is no perfect diet I’m afraid. We each have to find what works best and make do. The perfect workout would be one you enjoy and actually do.
  • learner00
    learner00 Posts: 3 Member
    For that kind of workout we need a motivation and a partner which guide us thru right direction.