no loss at 1300 calories

desperate to shift a stubborn 10kgs
worked out I need 1300 calories a day to lose
have been so good this last week have not gone over did a HIIT Workout x3
no alcohol no chocolate
have not lost a thing 😥
5'7 female spends most time at a desk


  • myfp67
    myfp67 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, are you weighing yourself everyday of just once a week? Also, the same time of the day? I ask this as you may find that you have daily fluctuations in your weight and when you weighed yourself initially it was on a 'low' day and when you weighed yourself a week later it was on a 'high' day.
    Also, if you always sit at a desk and don't do exercise then doing walking for half an hour three or four times a week will (should) do wonders.
    I am in the reverse situation exercise wise. I used to cycle thirteen hilly miles to and the same back from work. The lock down has put a stop to this daily exercise so I have had to drastically cut my calories.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    edited June 2020
    I'm 5'7 or 5'8 depending on who does the measuring..

    To lose the last 15 pounds (I'm now at 140-145) I ate 1500 PLUS more on exercise days. So on most days I was eating 1800-1900 to maintain a steady loss. I'm retired.

    How are you tracking food? Are you using a food scale and logging by grams?

    Those last 15 pounds took me nine months. There is little to no room for error when you're already lean, and eating too little just makes it worse because your body will win and you'll over eat. 1300 is really low.

  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Your answer is somewhere in here:

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    i can tell by looking at your diary entries you are not logging correctly.

    thats the problem. you are eating more than you think you are
  • catprincess101
    catprincess101 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, I would echo what the others said, MFP has some wildly differing calorie counts for foods, so best is to weigh it yourself, or do some research on the internet. For example, a portion of chips from a fish and chip shop is about 900-1000 calories and some MFP entries put it at MUCH lower. I was very sad to find out how many calories they really were by doing some googling, but it's best to have an honest picture.
  • Mithridites
    Mithridites Posts: 596 Member
    A week? You’re just getting started. Here’s hoping you stick with it with patience and dedication and reap the rewards of lost pounds.
  • Redmond70
    Redmond70 Posts: 21 Member
    Its great that you're asking questions.
    you have been given a lot of good advice above . little changes make big differences. And the first rule of success is to try. you can do this.