New mommy needs help ♥️

hey guys first time mommy here. Just gave birth 3 months ago and i am ready to loose this post pregnancy weight. Any one has aby tips or recommendations that has helped them?😊


  • Jacq_qui
    Jacq_qui Posts: 443 Member
    Wow three months ago? Congrats! Things that helped me, daily walks with the baby, breastfeeding and trying to get enough catch-up sleep when my partner was around - the more tired I was, the harder it was to make the right choices. Not all of these things are possible for every mum though. Be kind to yourself, enjoy your baby!
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    As the above poster, sleep plays a huge factor. I had a horrible time losing weight and actually gained. But that was largely because of sleep deprivation I think. I was in college, with two older children, we renovated and home and moved, ran a small business, and breast feeding a few times a night. Once he was weaned at 18months, my husband changed jobs and his hours at home increased, and I finished my full time college program, the weight came off easier. I was not as hungry, as stressed, and had more time to sleep and exercise. Find small changes you can make: plan the next days meals while tidying up the night before(pull something out to defrost, chop veggies quickly, etc), if the only exercise you can get is walking load your little one into a stroller during nap time and walk, do short 10-15min workouts once a day, plan a nap if you are not getting enough sleep at night.

    Your babe is still very little and it does get easier. Start small and you will figure out changes that work for your family!!
  • karlaalcala63
    karlaalcala63 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you ladies!!!)😊