Took 10 steps back

My starting weight was about 190. I had really gotten serious and started rising weight last spring and I lost about 50 pounds. Then in March all this craziness started happening with COVID and the protests and whatnot. I was furloughed from my job and the college got shut down. Those were the things that really helped me mentally because they kept me busy. Now I’ve been home for a couple of months and I’m struggling. I’ve been stress eating like crazy and I gained 15 pounds in two months.


  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 644 Member
    Sorry to hear that you’re struggling but cudos for being here and owning it! You can turn it around!

    This spring has been stressful for a lot of people. Personally I have been able to capitalise on extra free time to take up running since I live in an area that never restricted outdoor movement.

    However it has been tough mentally to fill the days in a constructive way and I have maintained rather than lost weight. There have been days filled of Netflix and chocolate.

    Is it possible for you to set some daily to dos to gain more structure? For me these include:
    - no alarm set later than 8am
    - Oatmeal for breakfast (as soon as I get creative it makes the food choices harder for the rest of the day as I’ve repeatedly found out lately!)
    - daily yoga (I use Adriene’s various 3 day challenges)
    - Running every second day and taking a long walk the rest of the days
    - no Netflix during the day, instead i have been rereading the full selection on my kindle

    I have also been looking into new hobbies such as macrame and crochet as I think it would be nice with activities that produce tangible outcomes. I recently built a headboard for my bed as well.
  • Marisela170
    Marisela170 Posts: 48 Member
    Sorry to hear that you’re struggling but cudos for being here and owning it! You can turn it around!

    This spring has been stressful for a lot of people. Personally I have been able to capitalise on extra free time to take up running since I live in an area that never restricted outdoor movement.

    However it has been tough mentally to fill the days in a constructive way and I have maintained rather than lost weight. There have been days filled of Netflix and chocolate.

    Is it possible for you to set some daily to dos to gain more structure? For me these include:
    - no alarm set later than 8am
    - Oatmeal for breakfast (as soon as I get creative it makes the food choices harder for the rest of the day as I’ve repeatedly found out lately!)
    - daily yoga (I use Adriene’s various 3 day challenges)
    - Running every second day and taking a long walk the rest of the days
    - no Netflix during the day, instead i have been rereading the full selection on my kindle

    I have also been looking into new hobbies such as macrame and crochet as I think it would be nice with activities that produce tangible outcomes. I recently built a headboard for my bed as well.

    Yeah, I’ve been trying to keep busy but I have a horrible habit of binge eating when I’m bored. I recently started gardening and trying to build and fix stuff around my house.

    I usually wake up pretty early, like around 6 am and walk my dogs. But other than that and my garden I don’t really go outside. I do honk the only reason I was able to lose any weight in the first place was because I had decided on walking to and from work everyday instead of driving.

  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    My starting weight was about 190. I had really gotten serious and started rising weight last spring and I lost about 50 pounds. Then in March all this craziness started happening with COVID and the protests and whatnot. I was furloughed from my job and the college got shut down. Those were the things that really helped me mentally because they kept me busy. Now I’ve been home for a couple of months and I’m struggling. I’ve been stress eating like crazy and I gained 15 pounds in two months.

    First of all well done for losing 50lbs, that’s an awesome effort. Secondly I feel your pain on COVID. I’m a teacher so with virtually no warning my work switched to online and loads of extra stress, somehow I managed to fit in a lot of stress baking despite working ridiculous hours. At first I assumed lockdown would just last a couple of weeks so I didn’t think it mattered if I relied on some unhealthy eating to get through. Thankfully after a few weeks my (always skinny) husband found his pants getting too tight to wear and that was the wake up call I needed (since I was only wearing elastic waisted things I was able to ignore the damage).

    We’ve been in strict lockdown for 3 months now (only allowed out for groceries) and there is no end in sight so I’m very thankful I at least attempted to get back on track.

    I’m not finding it easy to lose the weight (when is it ever easy) so you have my sympathy. This weird time won’t last forever though so don’t beat yourself up about the gain just try and get back on track. Taking up some new hobbies is a good idea.

  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,322 Member
    You're not alone.. many of us are stressed out and gained weight during this crisis. It is time to take control and not let the full run of this crisis give us more health problems than the threat of getting the virus ..which is small.

    Join those of us who have turned the tide and are getting those added pounds off and not letting this undo all our hard work. You can join us and do it!!!