Help setting my weight loss goals!?!?

Rannoch3908 Posts: 177 Member
edited June 2020 in Getting Started
So I weigh 316lbs. My goal is 250.

I'd like to do this as fast as I can while obviously being healthy and not going so crazy intense I quit.

Any change should see results. Right now I eat no breakfast. Fast food daily for lunch (subs, pizza, bbq, burritos, burgers, etc). Then meat/veggies/no carbs for dinner typically.

When I set my goals using MFP it wants me to eat like 2100-2200 calories. With 50% being carbs. That all seems really high for quick weight loss. I know they have a limit of 2lbs a week though.

Should I set my own calorie limit - maybe to 1700-1800?

Should I set my own macros and to what?

P.S. I love eating low carb. Meat + veggies makes me happy. But have a hard time doing that for lunch.

Would also like to maybe try intermittent fasting. I'm never hungry in AM. I only eat lunch because I see everyone around me eating fast food. Not because I'm hungry. I start to get hungry around 3pm.


  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    edited June 2020
    Do you want your weight loss to be done in a healthy manner? If yes, the best weight loss is slow and steady. Follow the calories given by mfp, log any exercise calories separate and eat back those calories. I don't count macros. I focus on my calories, and being in a calorie deficit. If you want to lose more than 2 lbs a week contact your doctor for advice.

    I'm currently working on losing 90 lbs. 70 more to go. It took me almost 4 years to gain the weight. I don't expect to lose it over night.

    Lots of good luck!
  • xcc670
    xcc670 Posts: 98 Member
    I let MFP pick the calories for me to lose one pound a week. I set my macros to be equal, ie carb grams=fat grams=protein grams. Don't worry about how long it will take. This needs to be a lifestyle change and you have to figure out what will work for you. I count macros because I tend to not get enough protein and carbs unless I make it a point.

    Your lunch is probably most of your calories and would be a good place to start. Get Subway salad instead of a sandwich and have a piece of fruit for a carb. Order a small salad and only eat one slice of pizza.

    You can do this, good luck.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    If you want lower carb, just change your macros. Most people who low carb seem to go with moderate protein, higher fat, but it's up to you. Protein and fats are essential nutrients (you need to actually consume a certain amount for best odds of good health). Carbs generally can be varied widely (though some individuals have preferences, of course).

    FWIW, I lost weight just fine (and have maintained weight for 4+ years since) eating around 50% carbs. Carb level has a little initial impact on water retention, so a maybe a more satisfying scale drop at the start, but doesn't make a difference in fat loss. Fat loss is what most people really care about. Some people find carbs increase their appetite/cravings, so they like low carb. Other people find their energy (particularly exercise energy) isn't sustained well on low carb, so they don't like low carb. Do what you like.

    If you want to stay strong and healthy (and reduce changes of a massive appetite spring-back at some point), don't lowball your calorie goal.