New & Ready To Kick Fat's A**!

Hello All,

I am new to MFP! & Ready to kick fat right in the butt! Preferably my butt, thighs hips and tummy too!! Hahahah.
I am looking for motivated friends. I have heard great things about this site and I am excited to try it out :)

Thanks all.


  • rsum77
    rsum77 Posts: 30
    Hello MissFlab2Fab2,
    I have only been on this site for a couple of months. I love the support I get from my friends. They keep me going. I also have support from my husband and daughter.
    I am also looking to kick off over 100 pounds. My belly is the worst.
    If you would like to add me, I will help you on your journey. If you do the same for me.
    Let's do this!!:happy: