Bad day, lost my login streak, mental health struggles

I lost my login streak! Didn’t log on yesterday or today really until now. Just not having a good time anxiety and mental health wise. Food has always been a go to when I’m bad it’s a hard habit to break 😭

I hope to get back on track when head has calmed down but really struggling! Any tips welcomed x


  • podperson1
    podperson1 Posts: 207 Member
    *hugs* I have issues with depression and mental health, it's a difficult thing to not reach for the 'comfort food' when it's flaring up. Easier said than done but try and focus on the positives - just because you lost your streak on here (and I have lost about 5 of them lol) it doesn't negate the hard work you put in for those days and the progress you have made.

    Be kind to yourself, maybe try and focus on self care for a few days - I've been trying to move that away from food rewards so some of my current alternatives might be reading a new book, doing something creative, painting my nails, doing a face mask, having a walk somewhere nice. You probably have other things that may work better for you.

    The important thing is to hang in there. Tomorrow can always be a better day x
  • Mithridites
    Mithridites Posts: 595 Member
    One tip I just got for anxiety is name 5 things you see in the room. Then name one quality for each one. Sounds deceptively simple bit helped me ground myself in the here and now when my thoughts were racing to the past and the future.
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    I don't pay attention to MFP streaks but do in my YouVersion app. I broke a long-range streak this week (off of lack of sleep which messed up my standard morning meditation routine rather than avoidance).

    While I could have dwelled on it, there's (1) nothing I could do to change it (2) I realized there's many other ways I demonstrated spiritual work that day and (3) not everything in life needs gamification.

    Food and/or exercise included.

    Perhaps consider being more gentle with yourself? 🤗

  • rosegreen12
    rosegreen12 Posts: 35 Member
    Boy, you guys are good. I'm feeling not as chipper at the moment - I think the lockdown may have finally hit. I do react to things late.

    I so feel for you, FairySunflower! It's really hard right now especially. Even the drs say it. All I can do is commiserate and to suggest, like MaltedTea said above - be more gentle to yourself.