Coming back, ready to try again!

It's been a few years since I've looked at my weight. My highest was 295, and that's when I said it's time to stop. Started watching what I ate, now down to 271 but stalling. Decided just giving up soda wasn't enough anymore, came here to help me see where I'm going wrong and keep myself accountable! It's funny, I thought tracking my food would be annoying but it's actually pretty fun! I actually LOOK at food labels now and see what's going in me!

If anyone wants to add me I'd love that! Having friends and seeing them succeed helps drive me!


  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,443 Member
    Welcome back .... Congrats on losing 24 lbs...that is amazing .... You are welcome to add me :) Wishing you more success :)