Who I Am

I am a 69 year old woman,who would like to loose about 100 pounds. I did Nutri-System for almost 2 years and lost about 70 -90 pounds. It was alright but the expense was just to much. So I went looking for another program where I could hopefully loose the next 100 pounds. I still work at present I'm a security guard and do rounds every 2 hours Monday thru Friday. I only diet Monday thru Friday and have my weekend as free days. Most times I still try to curb my intake on the free days. So far I've been trying to stay in the calorie guide lines, however every now and then I get to much. I noticed the biggest problem is the salt and fat contents of everything I try to use as a good thing. So at this point I'm baffled as to how to cut them down and not give up protein or taste. I like salads and raw veg's but I want to eat other things so. I would like some suggestions please. I'm starting at 280 and would like to get to 180, however I would settle for 200. Thanks for listening to me have a great day.


  • nurabh94
    nurabh94 Posts: 38 Member
    Hello and well done for getting to where you are today!

    Salt and fat are SO hard to cut especially with a busy lifestyle, I totally get that! What type of foods with these contents are you trying to use as your “good thing”?

    A lot of people on here say the calories in, calories out is what matters for weight loss (and they are not wrong!) but I don’t think it hurts to make sure that you’re not having too much salt etc for health purposes other than weight loss.

    I wish you all the best!!!
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    A 69-year-old security guard who is a woman? I L-O-V-E you!

    Might I suggest you consider modifying your mindset when it comes to "diet" and "free" days?

    Eat as you wish yet eat within reason. Apps like MFP can help you do that if you log correctly and consistently.

    If you reduce your intake of processed foods (like those you find to make in the microwave or other such ready meals), your sodium intake may likely drop from that. Mind you, I'm not a nutritionist and don't know what you eat beyond "salads and raw veg".

    If your work health plan or other group insurance gives you access to a nutritionist/dietician then perhaps consider enlisting their services. Some of them will even take the time to look at your MFP logs (or ask you questions about it) but to get the most benefit out of it, you have to log correctly and consistently.

    Also during your rounds, can you find ways to sneak in exercise while you watch out for ne'er-do-wells? For example, using the stairs?

    Can't wait to see what else you end up posting here @raintgael. You sound like a hoot!
  • Lynatea
    Lynatea Posts: 311 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Love the drive you have. You got this!
  • raintgael
    raintgael Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the votes of confidence. I need all the help i can get LOL. Stairs are a part of the rounds so I do my best since I have severe rheumatoid arthritis. Still waiting for the butcher to give me at least one new knee for now. You're right lunch meat and some of the other things I eat probably should go, however my hours on some days just leave me little time to cook. Most days I'm up at 4am then drive for at least an hour to get to work an come days end I'm ready to crash and burn. I'm trying to cut those bad things out, just like some of my favorite foods. That is so much easier said than done. I like my pasta's and bread then there is the ice cream in this weather it sure tastes good. It isn't what I eat it's when and how much I eat, usually to late at night and much more than I need. I must confess I just love the taste of FOOD even though I know better. I DON'T have great will power. I've often wondered if I had my jaw wired shut if I could loose weight then. However I'm afraid the only thing that would do is stop me from talking. I know a LOT of people that would be happy about that, my husband for one LOL!!! Well got to go for now Everyone have a great day.
  • nurabh94
    nurabh94 Posts: 38 Member
    Ohhh I absolutely hear you!! I think small sustainable changes are the way to go- don’t cut everything out in one go or you won’t be happy and won’t be able to keep it up (I learned this over the years of trying to “behave”)

    I have the worst work/life balance so I never really get a proper chance to cook, and it can be frustrating when you know that sometimes that is the recommended way to cut those secret calories! how I’ve been going about it is picking things I like but finding lower cal and healthier alternatives! For example, pasta is a staple- it’s filling and gives you slow burn energy (which you need with your job!) but I’ve opted to go for “lentil pasta” which you can find in most gluten free sections- less calories more nutrients, still tastes exactly like normal wheat pasta!

    Ice cream as well! There’s this brand called Halo Top which has SO MANY FLAVOURS and is amazing and only 320 calories for the WHOLE TUB! It’s also fortified with protein so less is more as you find your cravings fulfilled quicker.

    I’m a big Nutella fan- recently switched to nut butter too which is good.

    I’m not much for bread but I’ve recently found some delicious sweet potato tortillas which are about 90 cals per tortilla. Switching from white to whole meal as well lessens the calories slightly depending on the type/brand. I really believe in you and think the best thing about weight loss journeys is that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing and you can take it at your own pace and make it accessible for YOU and YOUR lifestyle.

    Working those hours sounds tough, you are a real trooper!

    You got this but always remember to be kind to yourself. And keep chatting! I’m sure your husband would be sorry if you did stop speaking (though he might not tell you haha) have a great day!