5 days

5 days in a rut. Down to 266, then up point this, down point that, up again, down again...then ...you guessed it, up again ! Wtf annoying.


  • robdeltoro69
    robdeltoro69 Posts: 3 Member
    Hang in there and stop looking at the scale...it's going to drive you nuts. Like I should talk...my biggest issue is the 10s going down from xx2 to xx8 seems to take forever up then down then up...hahaha
  • Caughtinannette11
    Caughtinannette11 Posts: 3 Member
    Agreed, stop weighing yourself so frequently! I find that I have the healthiest relationship with the number on the scale when I only weigh myself every couple of weeks. Maybe try once a week to start and go from there? Good luck!