Back after a few years - hello!

Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is safe and healthy!

I was part of the MFP community several years ago where I lost almost 15-17kgs. Fastforwards half a decade, a lung surgery and a Master's later -- I am at the heaviest I have ever been. Since the surgery 3 years ago, I have struggled to find the motivation to work. I am also a full time PhD student with limited time and $$..but really, the motivation is a struggle. I went from doing gym classes and working out 4-5 times a week to..nothing.

I'm back here to firstly get my eating under control. I am a vegetarian so protein can be hard to find. The excessive and frequent eating has created endless pangs of hunger and I want to get that under control plus also make more sensible choices. I've also ordered a calorie counter watch to track the walking I do (trying to do more) and will do home workouts when the weather turns (it's Denmark, it will always rain).

I'd love to find some friends and accountability partners on here that I can support as well.

Please look after yourselves and stay safe!


  • Werewolfism
    Werewolfism Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there!
    You sound like you've been through a lot of things on your journey but welcome back to MFP!
    I'm a fellow vegetarian and I struggle with the hunger pangs on my days off from work (when I'm working I'm too busy to think about eating).
    I know how you feel about weather though, I'm from England so the weather is always bad here too.
    I'm always looking for more people to keep me accountable as well, so feel free to add me!
    Stay safe as well,