
Has anyone had weight gain after taking collagen supplements? Just curious!! Thanks!


  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited June 2020
    I think the more important question is why are you taking collagen?

    To be honest, green beans or Biosil are way more effective. Non-alcoholic beer as well. If you want your body to build its own collagen, start with getting more bioabsorbable silicon. I read a study once by a European supplement company that was trying to prove how good their supplement was and what I took away from it was Green Beans are just as good. Though bananas have way more silicon per gram, the type of silicon in Green Beans is among the most readily used by your body. A close second is non-alcoholic beer. Some mineral waters also have it. Biosil is silicon. So are some Bamboo supplements (that's what Sunwarrior has as a vegan collagen alternative along with seaweed, also great for building collagen).

    For hair, nails, collagen production, don't eat it. Take a quality silicon. Eating green beans once or twice a week is the best way.

    And it shouldn't affect weight in the small calories that it has.
  • LinkedEmpire
    LinkedEmpire Posts: 40 Member
    Is Fiji water on that list? It had something in it beginning with S. Or is it selenium? Ack, bump.