i KNEW this would happen.

I have been into 12oz soy chai latte's lately and I assumed that they are around 150 calories or so and now the only calorie information that i can find is for starbucks, but it says 262 calories! no!

mine is from wholefoods.. and i know that they use oregon chai mix..

does this seem right to you guys?? almost 300 calories? i didnt want to use that many calories on a damn drink! it just doesnt seem right... or i'm just in denial :(

damn it!


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Sounds about right. Just their tall frappucino is like 480! lol
  • asm325
    asm325 Posts: 10
    I had a mocha frapped from Mcdonald's this morning and it is 260 calories too-without whipped cream.
  • riannenrings
    riannenrings Posts: 142 Member
    i hate them.
    whole foods needs to start giving up their calorie information somewhere since they are like the leader of health food stores!
  • npryor100
    npryor100 Posts: 99 Member
    tall nonfat lattes are only about 100 calories, a treat that won't bust your calorie count
  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    Can you just ask them what goes into the drink and then figure it out per ingredient....that's how I figured mine out....yes, it is a lot of calories.....I love it so much that often I will just workout a little more to have it!
  • Raina0512
    Raina0512 Posts: 216
    :love: I always get a Skinny Caramel Latte from Starbucks! :heart: They are only 160 Calories for a VENTI! :drinker:
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    that can sound right soy milk can be high in calories. and someplaces use vanilla soy when making chai lattes so that will get you too.

    if you know they use oregon chai and if you know what kind of milk they use you can verify it by looking up those items and seeing if they come close. I know that the oregon chai is like 75 calories per half cup (they probably use a full cup, like I did when working in a coffee shop) and soy milk is around 150 calories per cup. so thats sounds right.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    oh and for the person who talked about the frapps. you can get a frap light any flavor for waaaaaay less calories. my favorite is the venti (24oz) java chip light and its less than 300 calories for that huge one. tastesthe same to, minues the whip of course!