Not so new...

Hi All.
My name is Amanda and I was a member about 10 years ago (I think) (MissTomGettingThin)
I had fantastic success with MFP and lost 5 stone overall.
I can't access my old account so have this one now.
Since I last did MFP I have yo-yo dieted and have been doing slimming world for a few years on and off.
I'm back now with my partner and am enjoying counting and logging.

I'm also doing the Couch to 5K App from the NHS and hope to create a new thread or join another one where we can coach each other and give each other support if others are doing it.

I have lost my friends from my last account and can't spell the usernames or remember them properly! If you recognise me, please add me.

I hope you are all OK.

Best Wishes


  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Welcome back (even though I never knew you before)... I also returned after quite a few years (but to the same account). I looked through my friends list and found that most of them had not logged on in a VERY long time. Somewhat like me! I deleted them all and started again. I just mention this because the chances are it's similar for you. I can't imagine too many people stay on here for 10 years (I know there are a few but lets be honest, for most of us it's a tool and eventually we stop using it).

    Anyway point is I have also started C25K... except this morning I pulled a muscle and now I can't even walk so I expect it will be a week or so before I attempt to resume. I was also thinking about maybe starting a thread to find other people working their way through it. Feel free to add me and if I see you starting a C25K group I'll join (I'd recommend a group over a thread - easier to keep it focused). If not I might try and start one myself once I can get my leg working again.
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    I first started on MFP (different account) in 2014. Lost ~50 that year, maintained for a while. Then put some of it back on... At my 'peak' I ran about 12 miles of a half marathon and still intend to (someday!) run a complete half.

    For now, I'm getting back into the routine of walking 20-30 minutes most days. I'm not proud to admit that walking 20 minutes a couple of weeks ago was not easy-breezy. But within a few weeks I should be ready to start C25K as well. :) And once I get thru it, continue on to the 10k portion and ultimately run a 10k distance each week with a couple of shorter maintenance runs.