Here we go again!

dsc84 Posts: 208 Member
Hi my name is Dan. I've been a "user" of My fitness pal for years, but I have never taken advantage of all that it has to offer including community. I come from a family of unhealthy people, making unhealthy choices, that have continually led to serious health problems. I always used this as an excuse, because I was always smaller, or in better health/shape than them and so I never considered the consequences of my poor eating habits and decisions. My dad died at 26, my grandfather on that side died at 26, an aunt same family at 21. All heart related so the odds are against me so I used that as an argument. "I've lived longer than them," or prior to my 26th birthday it was "I'm going to die at 26 so might as well enjoy it now." I know I was dumb. My older brother has been on BP meds since his mid 20's. My side of the family suffers from these things, and I have got to do better for myself and my family. It's time to break the cycle.

Rewind to 8 years ago at 27 I was 6' 0" weighing in the heaviest I was to that point in my life at 240 lbs. I focused, worked hard, started running and dropped weight. I had some life changes and lost track of my goals (including HATING to run). I lost track of those goals and went back to my old ways. 5 years ago I hired a personal trainer and was back on track and got down to 220 from being at 250. Ran into some financial problems and had to drop the trainer. I was still good with getting to the gym and working it right, but got sick and lost those goals. Fast forward to 2 years ago and I hired a trainer again. She was great, very encouraging, and taught me more than I could ever have hoped to learn, and I found my love for fitness and what works best for me to improve and reach goals. She moved away to pursue other career goals and I let up, and found myself falling into some old habits.

I'm here today at the heaviest I've ever been- 278 as of this morning- having yo-yo'd back and forth over the last couple of months. Covid made me hit a hard reset in my lifting goals, and I'm back to ground zero. While all of my vitals are good, I know long term my body won't hold out so well for me. I have to get back into shape. Weight isnt the only measurement I make, but it's the easiest as access to body composition instruments can be pricey at least through my gym.

My Goal: 210lbs
My Plan: 4-5 days of heavy lifting per week (This is where I've found my love in fitness) with cardio mixed in. (20-45 minutes per day depending on form for day I choose). However it's true- Abs are made in the kitchen-- This means I have to be responsible to my eating as well. I will get back into meal prep for the week, follow my macro goals, and be sure to log and track whats in. I will give myself grace as I know there will be some days that will be worse, but I have to break my bad relationship with food, and change the focus. Currently based on my goal and work style to lose I am at about 1700 calories a day. This is doable and I can make this happen.

By When: This is hard. When I've dropped in the past I've dropped quickly and it comes back. I would love to have this accomplished by May 2021 as I have a vacation planned with my wife. (Beach bod wanted :smiley: ) However, that would average to about 7 lbs a month. As that is possible the first couple of months as I adjust, it won't be sustainable so August 31, 2021 is my goal date.

I look forward to this journey, and using MFP for all that I can to help me reach my goals!


  • Lynatea
    Lynatea Posts: 311 Member
    Welcome back to MFP. You know how to do this and it sounds like you're in the right head space to succeed. You can do it, just have to lose those excuses and remember you can do it if you put your mind to it. You got this!