Lose weight- no notice

amygerman76 Posts: 7 Member
edited July 2020 in Motivation and Support
I’m disappointed. I thought I lost enough to see the difference but no one said anything when I drove 4 hours to see family I haven’t seen for awhile for the 4th. Now I’m trying really hard not to go in and eat from the deserts people brought. :(


  • imxnianne
    imxnianne Posts: 216 Member
    Your post wasn’t very specific.

    How many lbs have you lost?
    Have you been measuring your waist, chest, legs, etc to know if there is a difference yet?

    Have you been consuming more than normal sodium the day prior? It can inflate the image due to water retention.

    I lost 50lbs before and people were scared to ask why. They didn’t want to mention it because they thought I was sick.

    There is nothing wrong. If you feel healthier, who cares what others think about you.
  • amygerman76
    amygerman76 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks. You all make perfect sense. I did end up eating a approx 1.5 in x 1.5 in scotcharoo. It only put me over my daily calorie allowance by 120. I haven’t really watched my salt intake yet because I’m still figuring out what healthy food I can eat for my daily calories. I’ll do the salt next. Thx for the help.