Omg!! Here I go again.....

Hello friends...I am back.... struggling yet again and even harder since the covid began....I am 46 years old and 5'2"...I am not very active...but have many things I can do including elliptical machine and small weights and bands...all that....I am still struggling with motivation....I know I am the only one to do this...I want food to not be such a friend (or is that a bad way to look at it?) I also know that if I lose my first few pounds...I will feel better and have more energy to accomplish's the motivation I am seriously lacking...I am a stay at wife and caregiver for my mother and just find it so easy just to do bare minimum and sit down and watch television....I don't eat alot...but what I eat and no exercise make it really add up and I feel so down....for some reason I keep looking at losing weight as a horrid job or like going to the dentist....hahaha....but seriously I need to change my outlook and become more positive....I just want to feel better again....I want to be around a long time!!!!


  • dts_90
    dts_90 Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome back - just remember 'you got this'.
  • im4gryffindor
    im4gryffindor Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you dts_90!!!
  • JessTheChamp
    JessTheChamp Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there!
    I have a very different situation to you but your post spoke to me! Food is my friend too and I keep trying afresh... I don’t know what the answers are but after doing lots of research I think that altering your perspective is key. So, seeing exercise- even just a little bit- as a friend. I try to distract myself when reaching for cakes/ chocolate etc and keeping track of what I’m eating helps!
    Good luck! X
  • NorthStar77
    NorthStar77 Posts: 1,075 Member
    Hello friends...I am back.... struggling yet again and even harder since the covid began....I am 46 years old and 5'2"...I am not very active...but have many things I can do including elliptical machine and small weights and bands...all that....I am still struggling with motivation....I know I am the only one to do this...I want food to not be such a friend (or is that a bad way to look at it?) I also know that if I lose my first few pounds...I will feel better and have more energy to accomplish's the motivation I am seriously lacking...I am a stay at wife and caregiver for my mother and just find it so easy just to do bare minimum and sit down and watch television....I don't eat alot...but what I eat and no exercise make it really add up and I feel so down....for some reason I keep looking at losing weight as a horrid job or like going to the dentist....hahaha....but seriously I need to change my outlook and become more positive....I just want to feel better again....I want to be around a long time!!!!

    Good luck
  • Clive_1963
    Clive_1963 Posts: 52 Member
    The fastest 2 ways I lost 15kg in about 2 weeks were

    #1 broke my leg in a motorbike crash and spent 9 days in hospital (the food their was so bad you don't eat much and your body burns calories to heal your body.

    #2 my appendix burst and infected my stomach which stopped working for 2 weeks so was being fed some white stuff in a bag via a drip.

    I wouldn't recommend either but they both are a sure fire way to lose the weight ;-)
  • SoonerFanForLife
    SoonerFanForLife Posts: 53 Member
    This is a great community - always here to support and root each other on - you got this!