Costumers and Geek Unite!

Hey MFP world,

I *know* there have to be others out there who are costumers or geeks like me. It's extremely frustrating to be overweight or out of shape when you have to fit into a costume for a convention. I know many people spend years saying they will lose that weight before the convention each year and never do.

It's time to stop saying and start doing!

If there's anyone else out there, please join my support group. i have a convention in two weeks, DragonCon in a month and some change - it's time to kick butt!

Not only do we have to deal with getting our bodies into order, but our costumes, too! Let's bond together with each other to finally reach our fitness goals.

Yours in Geekdom,



  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    I love cosplay! I have never done it myself because I'm a bit too large to be a convincing Dr. Girlfriend, but I did make my son a Gir costume a few years ago and it was FABULOUS!!!!

    I have finally started to lose the weight and this year for Halloween I hope to dress up like Angus Young from AC/DC. I know, not really cosplay, but it's what I really want to be. Dr. Girlfriend can wait until next year!
  • Ashykins
    Ashykins Posts: 233
    I always wanted to cosplay... :o( something cute like a pancake lol!
    Awww, now I gotta do something when I get down to my goal weight till then Halloween will be my cosplay day.
  • turboandrea
    turboandrea Posts: 108
    My goal is to rock a Slave Leia metal bikini on my 25th birthday, next June 19.
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    Awesome goal!!! My husband would love that, but I would feel uber naked. I have to work up my daughter's Katara outfit, but I'd rather she be Toph. From the show, not the movie.
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    While not so much of a costumer, i would def say i'm on the geek side of things. I myself will be at a convention in 2 weeks. Been looking forward to it ever last year's trip ended.

    I would love to go and be able to dress up in a costume and walk around and have everyone stop you for pictures because you look awesome in your costume. i was that small once, so i am really trying to get there again. hopefully some fellow geek encouragement will get me where i need to be...

    Game on!
  • turboandrea
    turboandrea Posts: 108
    Kittytrix- I LOVE that show. I've been wanting to o Suki's costume. I know you'll get up to it! :) The thing with Slave Leia is that for me it's kind of a defining costume for being in shape. I have to be at my goals to wear that costume or else I refuse to wear it in public. So I've given myself a year to try and get there. We'll see. :) I'll be at a health and fitness summit in California on my birthday so I definitely need to be at SOME goals, LOL.

    i_dont: You'll get there!
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    i'm a thanks. it'll happen, but just like anything you want it to happen sooner rather then later...Oh well. I didn't gain it all in a short period of time so i guess i can't expect it to disappear in a short period of time.

    I'll concur on the slave leia costume. that is probably one of ' the ' iconic babe pieces of attire for geeks everywhere...moreso StarWars geeks. And when you are successful, thousands of geeks from all over will cry out in joy!
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    I'm a LARPer. Live Action Role Play. It's quite different here in the UK to the US system & safety-wise, and I'm heading off to one this weekend. :)
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    Different as in you are more safety cautious or do you throw safety to the wind? I don't engage in any LARP here in the states, but i've heard enough stories...
  • turboandrea
    turboandrea Posts: 108
    I've done a few LARPs. We have one group of friends who are more on the normal end of LARPing. I can't get into anyone else's because they're just too far out there or the people are a bit... off. :)

    I did do Dagorhir a while ago. It's a live action combat game where you enact battles with armies armed with foam weapons. There are a lot of varieties of the sport, such as Belagarth. Some game styles use magic, but Dagorhir was all about physical fighting. It was great exercise but in the end, the men just took it WAY too seriously and became entirely too violent for my taste. I almost broke my neck thanks to a guy bashing me on the shield wall with his full force of body weight. I ended up at the hospital and on muscle relaxers for a few days. That pretty much signaled the end of that activity for me.

    We'll be joining our friends in their LARPs at GenCon in two weeks. It's so much fun to get my acting fix through these. I was in theatre for 12 years and then made a change of career into journalism and now proposal writing. I rarely get to experience theatre, let alone actually take part. Theatre is yet another thing from which I let my weight hold me back.

    Another one of my goals is to get back into theatre and feel confident again.
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    UK I THINK has more safety rules in place. :)

    There's many sysyems in the UK, with the 'big 3' being Profound Decisions (Maelstrom) which I'm going to tomorrow, Lorien Trust (The Gathering) and Curious Pasttimes. :) I'm also involved in my old university's system which is a small linear...

    There's no way that even a combat linear would allow that much physical fighting unless agreed before hand by ALL participants - you really do have to pull your blows. We've also got better weapons over here I think - the US's 'boffer' weapons are very rare over here...

    Most systems are a mix of magic & combat over here. :)
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    UK I THINK has more safety rules in place. :)

    Ok, that's what i thought. From the people that i know that participate in LARP, they all have the same thing in common. Unneccessary bruising.

    I think i am familiar with the belagarth weaponry. that's the foam weapons they are pretty sturdy and painted to look like their real counterpart right?
  • turboandrea
    turboandrea Posts: 108
    I think so.

    The LARP I'm doing now is like acting out a play with Game Masters - no physicality to it.
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    That's a LARP i could get behind. I almost did the Shadowrun one last year, but i had something else scheduled in it's place.
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    For those of you who enjoy Comics, ComicCon, or anything else related to that might find this interesting...
  • turboandrea
    turboandrea Posts: 108
    Trying to get a free Beachbody workout session set up at GenCon if anyone is interested. It would be Saturday at 10:00 a.m. It's FREE and will probably be TurboFire, plus a preview of some other workouts.
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    Will this be an event you schedule through RUBI? or just kind of a word of mouth, show up kinda thing?
  • turboandrea
    turboandrea Posts: 108
    Unfortunately they don't have room to put it on the SPA track. This may not be panning out. Next year, however, there will be Turbo Kick classes as events!:)
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    Not really feeling the LARPing. Reminds me too much of my hubby doing the WoW thing. Bad times there. I do like some of the presentations done in a more historical context, though.

    I saw some of the costumes as Comic Con and I have to say I was not all that impressed. I've seen much better in the past. I think it's time to recreate Gir for my boy.
  • mlagena
    mlagena Posts: 154 Member
    I've always wanted to cosplay but have never had the skill (for costuming OR weight loss!) and I'm working on both now. :bigsmile: I actually spent the whole night (not kidding, like five hours) geeking out on and searching stuff. I'm going to start working on a Lou Collins costume! I can't find any other costumes on her ANYWHERE so this is exciting!

    I've never actually encountered a LARP group, just read about it. We had some hardcore pen and paper gamers back in college but, honestly, I was intimidated by them! I always thought it would be fun since I really enjoy D&D but I can't go on the fly too well just yet! :blushing:

    I'm also hoping to attend my FIRST "con" this year! It may have to wait until next year but we'll see!