
All im craving are cold oysters on half shells with lemon and cocktail sauce??? What does that mean?


  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    It doesn't mean anything. Maybe you're just hungry.
  • Safari_Gal_
    Safari_Gal_ Posts: 1,461 Member
    I love oysters! I’ve been eating them all week. Maybe just means you are craving their taste and texture. 🦪

  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I googled and it can mean you stressed out or low on sodium... or as said above you need to eat since you are hungry. Pretty easy for many to be stressed right now.
  • Hanibanani2020
    Hanibanani2020 Posts: 523 Member
    Sometimes we just have cravings with no deeper meaning than that. Have them. Enjoy the sea snot.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Sometimes we just have cravings with no deeper meaning than that. Have them. Enjoy the sea snot.

    LOL.. thanks for the disagree. I wouldn't really eat them either since they aren't my thing, bit slimy yes. Smoked aren't so bad.
  • Hanibanani2020
    Hanibanani2020 Posts: 523 Member
    mockchoc wrote: »
    Sometimes we just have cravings with no deeper meaning than that. Have them. Enjoy the sea snot.

    LOL.. thanks for the disagree. I wouldn't really eat them either since they aren't my thing, bit slimy yes. Smoked aren't so bad.
    I didn’t ‘disagree’ you, apparently there is someone else who thinks your google research is incorrect also.. but thanks for being needlessly petty..
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    edited July 2020
    Kind of a side note to the oyster topic, but I watched a segment of The Doctors yesterday and Dr. Terry Wahls was a guest. She has MS and researched her Paleo diet to help combat her MS diagnosis; she was in a wheelchair and not doing well physically at all. She mentioned part of her diet changes included eating liver/heart once a week, along with oysters a couple times a week.
    Is she credible? Have no idea. First I'd heard of her and her book. But maybe that craving of oysters could do you some good. :)
    Last time I had them was when I was a kid and my mom used to make stew out of them. Wasn't my favorite some 55 yrs. ago. :)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    edited July 2020
    mockchoc wrote: »
    Sometimes we just have cravings with no deeper meaning than that. Have them. Enjoy the sea snot.

    LOL.. thanks for the disagree. I wouldn't really eat them either since they aren't my thing, bit slimy yes. Smoked aren't so bad.
    I didn’t ‘disagree’ you, apparently there is someone else who thinks your google research is incorrect also.. but thanks for being needlessly petty..

    I am sorry if I said it's you but just seemed like it since you posted straight afterwards and I don't really care if anyone thinks my google search wrong or right. It is just what I read. I never said it was 100% correct.. just what I saw. Chill and hugs. I also guess me reading you are vegetarian made me also think it was you. Again sorry if I'm wrong. I won't eat any snot anyway.. lol
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,996 Member
    edited July 2020
    FWIW, I think the OP created this thread as a an intended tongue-in-cheek and humorous reference to the oyster's mythical vigra type powers and that a "serious" reponse really wasn't necessary or expected.

    Personally, I love oysters and all other seafood and shellfish and I don't need any "excuse" or reason to eat them. They're simply delicious to me. I just wish that oysters weren't so expensive now. :(

    Any other seniors remember when bars served them for 10 cents each at "happy hour?" Those certainly were the "good old days!" ;)