Hello everyone. I need some help and encouragement. I am 5' 3" and 155 lbs. I want and need to lose 30 pounds. I am diabetic. I went on low carb in 2015 and lost down to 126. No more insulin problems, I was thrilled. However, it started creeping back up and low carb isn't working for me, I'm also 66 years old. Anyone my age and height that can give me some help I sure would appreciate it.


  • MrsAllyn
    MrsAllyn Posts: 63 Member
    Hi did you try keto And recipes? Also IF?
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Weight loss is caused by being in a calorie deficit. You don't have to follow a named diet in order to lose weight. Log and weigh everything you eat. If you do any exercise, log that separate and eat back those calories. Your activity level doesn't include any added exercise. Since you are diabetic your doctor can help you with the best eating plan, or ask for a referral to a registered dietian.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,516 Member
    I’m not your height but I’m 70. Do you count calories?

    Done right, full on calorie counting is a basket of skills. Planning, calculating, tracking and problem solving. It also works. It has to work, it’s how our bodies are designed.

    But it drives a lot of people crazy. Or maybe more accurately, a lot of people drive themselves crazy trying to do it. Weight loss is a 2 part process- eating in a calorie deficit that results in a downward trend and living with it. There’s a tendency to go all in on the calorie deficit and just try to beat ourselves into living with it. Generally doesn’t work for long.

    I don’t make a point of eating low carb but I do hit my protein number everyday. Not necessarily because it’s a magic formula. I just find it easier to live with. We lose weight because we’re in a calorie deficit. Calorie counting can double up With any style of eating. Try it.

    Last thing. There’s a fairly significant learning curve. Folks calculate a number, set about trying to hit it, have lapse or make a mistake, throw up their hands and walk away. Don’t. No one was born counting calories. Give yourself a chance to learn it. You’ve got a lot at stake. Good luck.