
my name is Karen. i live in the great state of Georgia. my story is kind of long and complicated - so lets delve right in. i had my son when i was 23. i nearly bled to death for 6 months postpartum, before an emergency hysterectomy. i went through menopause at 24. CRAZY RIGHT? i gained a ton of weight, tipping the scales at 333. after a lot of thinking, and prayer, i scheduled a gastric bypass. april 2016 i had a successful surgery, i lost a little over 100 lbs. but i was suffering greatly, (with what i found out later) due to ulcerated parts of my stomach and intestines. in july 2018, i had a revision. same medical practice - different doctor. after the initial revision surgery, i ended up have 3 emergency surgeries (2 bowel obstructions & 1 bowel leakage into my abdominal cavity), along with 3 procedures to drain abscesses that had formed due to the e coli that was in my abdomen. i coded on the table and needed heroic measures to bring me back. i spent several days in the ICU and more than 40 days in the hospital. secondary to all of these painful procedures, i developed sepsis and a heart condition. after returning home from the hospital (mind you, i still had several tubes coming from my tummy) it was determined that at some point i had a stroke. i lost my long time job, because i wasn't well enough to go back. im too sick to work, but not sick enough to receive any form of assistance. AND i'm gaining weight while staying home from all this corona stuff. i'm stuck, i'm fat, and i'm still sick.
I'd love friends to share my journey with. I need a lot of motivation. Could someone please help me by joining me in this journey?
