Weight Watchers Scale is Always Inaccurate

ShazProductions Posts: 1 Member
edited July 2020 in Goal: Maintaining Weight
I inherited a digital Weight Watchers scale around 2013...it used to give accurate readings until about 2-3 years ago. I put fresh batteries in, it's on a level surface but after weighing myself 6+ times in a row, it'll give me about 4 different readings usually around 4-8 pound difference each time after calibrating it. So frustrating. I figured it's run its course and it's time to get rid of it. Such a shame because it's an attractive scale that works...it just doesn't work right. I finally bought an old school mechanical scale and that works great! Has anyone else had the same issue with Weight Watchers digital scales? If so, any solutions?


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Yep I agree, the WW scale is rubbish, I've had mine for around 3 years - have to recalibrate it every time...
    I'm not bothered enough to buy a new set, if I was I'd probably go back to Salter (digital), which was the brand I had before.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,930 Member
    edited July 2020
    I have a scale with the WW brand on it. It's made by Taylor, and it is from 2013 too. Mine ~generally~ stays pretty accurate. One test I used to do was weigh myself fully dressed right before going to the office, then weighing on the balance scale at the office. I know that my scale is about 0.75 pounds heavy. I have another scale that will replace it when it dies, and it shows a little bit less, but consistently the same.

    Last time my scale started giving me some funny readings (and the time before that), I cleaned off the LRF supports. That's "Little Rubber Feet." They get cat hair under them and as the cat hair squishes, it reduces the accuracy of the piezometer. My scale isn't particularly attractive. I keep it shoved under the dresser. It does have some features I will lose when I switch to the new one. It uses bio electric impedance to estimate my body fat percentage. This estimation is notoriously inaccurate, but it does show trends.

    As a side note, I inherited a balance scale that can weigh less than a gram that a friend was discarding. I am using it to measure out borax to make ant bait. For grins, I tested my food scale against it. It didn't add up. I cleaned the LRF support and tried again, and the food scale got accurate again. It's probably good routine to clean those feet off every now and then.

    Or maybe the piezometer is giving out and after seven years it's time for a new scale.
  • happppymom
    happppymom Posts: 7 Member
    Funny you'd mention that ... I had an older WW scale and it did the same - 3 or 4 different readings every time. Now I've got a newer model, and it's perfect. I'm very pleased with it.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    Digital scales give out eventually. They rely on having sturdy feet and a level floor. If a foot of the scale gets cracked, it will start lying to you. Mine told me I had lost 7 pounds overnight and then kept insisting I weighed that little until its foot just broke off -- at which point it lost its mind. I suppose a $20 piece of electronics shouldn't be expected to last several years without showing signs of age, eh? My new scale, same brand, has more substantial feet but I now know to check around them for cracks.
  • ChrissyChickie
    ChrissyChickie Posts: 182 Member
    My scale gives me different readings constantly. If I wiggle a little on it it, it will either add or decrease a couple of pounds
  • crawfishgirl333
    crawfishgirl333 Posts: 69 Member
    my ww scale too , gave three different readings i just wish id not stepped on it the second time cause the first number was lower yikes
  • goodgirlzozo
    goodgirlzozo Posts: 2 Member
    I think I should also check mine... It's been also doing the same thing
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    edited August 2020
    I got a really nice digital scale off amazon for under $30.
  • 425Recess
    425Recess Posts: 269 Member
    I bought my WW scale 7 years ago. Once in awhile the weight swing seemed a little weird but in general it seemed to make sense. I didn't think much about. This thread woke me up a little. First of all, I cleaned the little feet. Then I noticed that it had a battery. Never changed it. Not sure I want to. Hope it continue to work after it's feet cleaning. :)