Weight loss with hypothyroidism and/or PCOS

vannahsanders Posts: 16 Member
Hi! New member here. I've started this journey towards an overall healthier lifestyle a little over a week ago, but have only been using this app for 2 days. I eat 1,200 cals a day and do light exercise due to the fact that I also have a heart condition that I need an ablation for (supraventricular tachycardia). I also have two autoimmune diseases (type 1 diabetes since I was a baby as well as graves disease). Type 1 makes it difficult because my sugar tends to get low and I'll have a healthy snack/juice, but it counts towards my intake nonetheless. I'm working on finding the balance. That's my background.

As for this post, I have blood-work pending for PCOS after showing a couple of symptoms (acne and where I'm all of a sudden breaking out). I have graves disease as I previously stated, and it is in remission. I bounce back and fourth between hyperthyroid and hypothyroid when it isn't stable, so I have blood-work pending for that as well because I'm pretty sure it's taken a turn towards hypo which is incredibly frustrating. I know that some of these issues are common, so I'd like to hear from others what they do to help themselves lose weight dealing with these things?!

This is for an overall healthier lifestyle, but I could stand to lose 20 or so pounds. I'm 5'2" and weigh 169 right now. Of course, that bounces back and fourth between 168-171 and could very well be water weight. I started this at 174. In the past, I had no trouble losing 10 pounds of water weight like that. I'm eating low sodium as well, so I'm confused lol. Help a Mama out! Thanks guys! <3