Weight loss, no..... Hair loss, yes...

Has anyone experienced hair loss once they cut down on calories? I've been losing hair, not weight...

Any advice?


  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    How much are you eating? was the calorie cut drastic? That sounds very serious. I'd visist my Dr if I was you.
  • bobbystrongarm
    How much are you eating? was the calorie cut drastic? That sounds very serious. I'd visist my Dr if I was you.


    Also, how have your macros looked? A lot of people are still dieting *kitten* backwards and think dietary fat = body fat. You need fat in your diet, it is essential to good health. The reason I bring this up is because when people practice a very low fat diet they start having hormonal issues. Men can even have their testosterone levels completely crash. Dietary fat is of the utmost importance, I cannot repeat how important this is enough.

    You could be deficient in something. Start taking a good known high quality multivitamin. I personally like the brand Life Force. Best bang for your buck. They use the absolute best form of each nutrient/mineral. A lot of cheaper multivitamins will pass through you largely undigested. Even well known brands like Centrum rate pretty low in bioavailability. There are a few other decent options out there, but some of them get pretty pricey. Supplementing biotin and fish oil would also be another good one. They are great for your hair and skin.

    Still, hairloss all of the sudden is not a good sign. Should really get that checked out.