Joint Pain: How do you deal with it daily?

in the past three months since April, I've experienced consistent join pain in both sides of my arm. Prior to exercising earlier this month. I was inactive with physical activity since February

Yes, I do sleep on my side which basically laying on both sides of my shoulder. But I get joint pain a lot lately Idk if it's due to Blood sugar levels being consistently high low 200s and late 200s but I'm taking it very seriously.

Sometimes I worry if it's symptoms of potential stroke or heart attack but I try not to be negative. Right now my mind is wondering and debating should I go to the hospital due to on and off short pain in my shoulders

Yes at times my legs or feet cramp up but not like my shoulders... I usually have to crack my shoulder to stop the pain and it goes away. But any arm movement and it'll appear then go away maybe 5 to 10 times day especially since I've been active

Another problem: The past two months I've witnessed like arthritis in my right hand. It's like a twitch is the best way I can describe it. I can still use my hands good however especially if I'm tired or laying down I can not even hold the phone in my hand long enough without it dropping

I understand being 400 plus for 10 years and having high a1c has its extreme cons ... But I find it difficult to determine if this is bad joint pain on the body that's in pain Or early symptoms of potential disaster situation ????

Yall let me know what you think honest and bluntly


  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,486 Member
    I think you need to get to a heath care provider ASAP and show them this post. Could your pain "just" be related to carrying so much weight or could it be as you say a "disaster" situation. Only a medical professional can tell. I can say without a doubt the excess weight is not helping your joint pain.

    Best of luck.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Can you call them now? Luke a nurse’s helpline?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,880 Member
    I'm not a doctor, but you should talk to yours. If there's acute (sudden/extreme) pain, shortness of breath, or any symptoms like that going along with it, then maybe the hospital or at least an urgent care facility.

    Again, I'm not a doctor, I can't diagnose you, but have had symptoms like *some* you report (similar to the dropping the phone thing) from a nerve impingement in my shoulder. Physical therapy was required, in my case, to resolve that. I'm not saying you have that. It could be any one of many things, some of them dangerous. Medical professionals diagnose things, not random idiots like me, on the internet. ;)

    Did you discuss these symptoms with your provider at your last appointment? What did she say? If the symptoms are new, could you call the office and ask whether your symptoms are such that your provider could/should see you sooner than August?

    I hope you find relief and reassurance, soon.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Just call the hospital. Hugs
  • ForLangston
    ForLangston Posts: 919 Member
    I agree, definitely call your health professionals first and foremost. Feel better!

    If they clear you for exercise, I recently discovered the HasFit videos on youtube. If you type in HasFit and shoulders, or knees, or joints, they seem to have gentle stretch/workouts for these areas.
  • Mithridites
    Mithridites Posts: 600 Member
    edited July 2020
    Physiotherapy, exercises prescribed by physiotherapist, and gentle yoga (yoga with Adriene on youtube) is how I deal with chronic pain. Your problem may be many things besides joints, the way you describe it. So I second the union that you should at least speak to a doctor or a nurse about it.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,880 Member
    call the hospital? i can do that? what department would I call?

    I don't know about your hospital, but some hospitals (or big health systems) have a triage service you can call, staffed by medical professional (the ones I know about use nurses) who can talk with people about what they're experiencing and help you figure out whether you need medical attention.

    Your hospital or medical center may or may not have this, but you could call the main number and ask if there are triage nurses (maybe associated with emergency department?) who can help determine whether you need urgent medical attention or not.

    Some level of discomfort is normal when starting a new exercise program, especially if it's more a sort of achiness over broad areas. A sharp pain with certain movements, localized in/around a joint, is more likely to be an acute strain or injury. It's not going to be clear to any of us (I think) how strong your pain is, or how likely it is to be one of these things that may be difficult (even interfere with sleep and daily movement), but for which it's OK to delay treatment.

    Hoping you find reassurance and solutions!
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited July 2020
    Be in constant communication with your medical professionals. You are their customer/they work for you. In addition to discussing your immediate concerns - ask for recommendations based on your scenario about how to go about getting into the routine of moving more. Perhaps seated/stationary exercises you can repeat through the day? Getting up and moving around your home every hour? If you're able to get out for a 5-10 minute walk, do that multiple times each day.

    Beyond that, remind yourself that as your habits evolve to include more activity, the aches and pains from lack of prior movement should get better.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,997 Member
    If you are experiencing joint pain doing certain movements and/or exercises, you should stop doing them and get a throrough diagnosis of the problem by medical professionals, especially by an orthopedist who specializes in the specific body part at issue.

    That's what I've done for the various "joint" problems I"ve had including 2 rotator cuffs, right elbow, left knee and right foot. 3 of which could only be fixed with surgery.

    The latest problem with my right elbow is caused by degenerstion of the joint wc caused me acute pain when I did pullups and pushups, wc was a regular part of my exercise routine until recently.

    An experimental non-surgical procedure was sttempted to fix the rlbow but it failed snd only a cortidone shot would relieve the pain. Long story short, I don't do pullups, pushhups or any other lift or exercise that will put excess stress on my rt elbow.

    Sometimes, you just have to accept the limitations of your body but you won't know what those limits are until you get a proper medical assessment.

    Good luck!

  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Hopefully it’s nothing major! I had to (hopefully temporarily) abandon C25K as the knee pain became too intense. I will try again after I drop some weight and build some muscle to help support my knee joints.