Tell me I am not alone:

Dalora Posts: 3 Member
Anyone out there a: dairy/soy/gluten/corn free vegan or vegetarian going low carb?

I must AVOID:
Dairy (anaphylactic)
Soy (Intolerant)
Gluten and corn (culprits to inflammation).

I am NOT a meat eater, but on occasion and if I am in a bind: Chicken/Turkey/Seafood (some). 😣

I despise mushrooms and will not even give a chance. 🤢

Trying low carb, but it is a challenge!


  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    With how restrictive your diet already is what are you hoping to get from doing low carb?
  • Dalora
    Dalora Posts: 3 Member
    Hoping to drop a few. I am thinking carbs are my issue with weight and also the reason why I eat healthy but not losing.
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Dalora wrote: »
    Hoping to drop a few. I am thinking carbs are my issue with weight and also the reason why I eat healthy but not losing.

    Weight loss is caused by being in a calorie deficit. Are you using a food scale and logging everything that you eat? How much weight are you trying to lose?
  • Dalora
    Dalora Posts: 3 Member
    Just started tracking again. I do have a food scale. Hoping by logging again, it will help with that aspect.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,954 Member
    I just started eating for a gene mutation but because I can't have beans or Greek yogurt anymore I'm having more eggs and chicken/turkey/seafood. I'm not eating dairy, gluten, beans and legumes, sugar, potatoes and corn. I couldn't give up coffee or nightshades or anything else, it's hard enough already!