50 year old with 10 kilo to loose - restarting MFP

Frau_In_Der_Schweiz Posts: 10 Member
edited July 2020 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone. I'm restarting although trying not to focus too much on calories. I'm using MFP more as an awareness tool and hoping to make putting my food diary together a 'habit'.

I'm 50 and 5' 3". I'd like to loose 10 kg but I'm more interested in having a healthier diet and increase my calcium intake and generally have better heart health. I'm an English woman living in Switzerland and I LOVE to go out eating and drinking and I cook a lot at home - mostly from scratch, since I don't work and I have time. I love travelling and have lived in 5 countries.

I have Hashimotos thyroid disease, I have allergic asthma - so exercising outside in the country can be difficult during high pollen times, I have Oral Allergy Syndrome and so I can not eat many raw fruits and some veg, and I had a full hysterectomy a year ago so I have hormones against me too...

My diary is open and I'd love friends with open diaries to get food inspiration from and I'm happy to hear tips and advice from people.


  • Sweet_A
    Sweet_A Posts: 7,694 Member
    I’m sure you will reach your goals! 💪🏻 You can do it! 🎀