Gastric volume/Stomach capacity

Any of you sciencey/researchy people aware of any study on the ability of a person to change the resting volume of their stomach.

If I eat a high density maintenance-level amount of calories, perhaps in four or five meals per day, where each meal is very small volume, over an amount of time will the capacity of my stomach decrease.

If I eat twice my maintenance level calories of low density food for a period of time, will the capacity of my stomach expand.

Any connection with resting stomach capacity and satiety?


  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Here's a citation:

    You might also want to look at other research and writings by the same author. Had I access to a citation index, I would have "searched forward" to see who had cited his article to get a more recent take on this. A librarian at a university library can help you with this.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,181 Member
    Hey @HeidiCooksSupper that's awesome. In short with reduced consumption the size of a stomach does shrink. I wonder how this might impact the ability to maintain a loss, or continue losing. Is satiety impacted by a change in stomach volume.

    "A librarian at a university library" how quaint....j/k the world is changing. Talking to anyone seems remote.

    Thanks again.