
Good Morning Everyone!

I began EARNESTLY eating low carb (keto) on June 23, 2020. Throughout the years I have lost and gained weight various times using different ways of eating - including keto. I turn 56 in September and hope to lose my excess weight one last time and keep it off forever by eating low carb and mostly clean (no processed foods). My beginning stats on June 23, 2020 were: age: 55, height: 5.0 (although I claim 5.1 - lol), weight: 197. as of today, August 2, 2020 my stats are: age: 55, height: still 5.0, weight: 186. By the way, I am a female.

My highest recorded weight was 230 pounds at a doctor's office. I am sure I have been heavier, but stayed away from the scales at times - as many of you can probably identify with this tactic.

Currently I do NO exercise and I work full time at a desk job.

I joined MFP for several reasons. First, I love the inspiration I receive from everyone who posts - both their challenges and their victories (scale and non scale -NSV). Second, I wanted a place to hold myself accountable.

Some of my NSV since June 23, 2020: clothes filling better or even being able to be worn again, my joints are feeling much better, especially my knees, fat rolls getting smaller - one even disappeared!

I look forward to continuing this journey with everyone!


  • Hannapie1
    Hannapie1 Posts: 3 Member
    Correction to my original email - today is Monday, August 3, 2020. and I meant to type clothes "feeling better" - not filling... although that could be a Freudian slip - I certainly have been filling out my clothes and hope not to in the future! :)