
Is it possible to eat "too much" fruit when dieting ?..I'm just starting out and have a fair bit to lose...I love fruits sales and Veg....I'm having fruit in Greek yogurt for breakfast and I love it...but is it too much...typical day....nectarine Clementine strawberries in yogurt for breakfast...then apple later in day for a snack, or a few grapes...I've just done my shopping list and it looks like 50% salads veggies and plenty of chicken...??


  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    Fruit is pretty high in sugar so you have to be careful with it sometimes. But the MFP method is that if it fits into your calories it's OK. If tracking the sugar content is important to you, you can add it on your diary columns to make sure you're not having too much.

    It also depends what your goals are though, and what your lifestyle was like before. If you were eating loads of chocolate and chips before then eating a load of fruit is going to be an improvement :)
  • Walkingwithdogs
    Walkingwithdogs Posts: 69 Member
    I eat salmon and sardines weekly....I have just also ordered some advocados..and i use olive oil in my cooking...I also eat pork and beef...lots of vegetables...and try to cut down on this ok ?

    When I went to the drs probably a year ago I was told I was borderline type 2 diabetes....a house move and lockdown has prevented me from going back for a second blood although I feel perfectly fine I'm.mindful of this....and now I've started this new way of eating I'm just abit concerned if the fruit could be an issue ?
  • Walkingwithdogs
    Walkingwithdogs Posts: 69 Member
    E.g.....breakfast on Sunday was...5 strawberries...10 green grapes...half dessert apple...half Clementine...half 150g of full fat Greek yogurt ??
  • Walkingwithdogs
    Walkingwithdogs Posts: 69 Member
    Trouble with me is I never eat enough...I'll have breakfast (most days) then probably don't eat again till snacking on rubbish in day...I've found it hard to actually eat 1200 calories a day as a three meal a day...but I'm doing it and I'm sticking with it......also I'm eating my main meal earlier in the evening now as opposed to 7/8 o'clock because I go to bed early but rise early too...I've usually done a two/three mile walk before 7.30....this was recently put on hold as my older dog was poorly....but now she's ok again we are back at it...
    I really need this to work for me, I have a long way to go....sensible eating now...all junk food has been binned and I've totally changed my minset about my health....I lost 3 1/5 on my first week...probably a lot of water, but I'll take that....
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,232 Member
    I'll be honest, I know nothing about diabetes or being borderline diabetic, so that's way beyond anything I feel comfortable advising on with regards to fruit intake.
  • Walkingwithdogs
    Walkingwithdogs Posts: 69 Member
    Appreciate your honesty...I know nothing about it either 🙄
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 984 Member
    If you're borderline diabetic, you should be wary of too much sugar / carbs. The suggestion from Diabetes UK is to keep below 130g a day - which you may be exceeding if you're having a lot of fruit - but also to spread your carb intake through the day rather than having it all in one meal.

    It's recommended to have some protein with your carbs, as it helps stop your blood sugar spiking. Greek yoghurt with your breakfast fruit is a good idea. Maybe have some cheese with your apple?
  • Walkingwithdogs
    Walkingwithdogs Posts: 69 Member
    That's helpful, thankyou.
  • Walkingwithdogs
    Walkingwithdogs Posts: 69 Member
    I would like someone to have a look at my food intake this far and give an honest opinion as to my meal/food choices...if I knew how to make my diary open then this would be gratefully appreciated...🤔
  • Walkingwithdogs
    Walkingwithdogs Posts: 69 Member
    Oh i haven't messed with any of the food settings as such....I signed up to join put my weight age and goals in and went with what MFP..offered...
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    The bigger thing is eating a ton of fruit is I would question how much protein you are getting. Generally, too much of a specific food will end up crowding out other nutrients. Given fats and proteins are essential, I would ask how much you are getting of these two?

    You also haven't given your stats or discuss you activity level, so it's hard to make an assessment if you are eating an appropriate level of calories. If you want to expand on your stats, activity level and discuss what your protein and fat levels look like, that would be good.
  • Walkingwithdogs
    Walkingwithdogs Posts: 69 Member
    I will open my diary if you could tell me how.....I am 57 weight at start (31st July) was 210lb now 206.5lb (2nd Aug)my goal is 140lb so 70lb to lose. I walk on average 3 mile's every morning this includes inclines aswell as declines...anything else you need ?
  • Walkingwithdogs
    Walkingwithdogs Posts: 69 Member
    I may not be eating tins of fruits ...maybe it just feels like I am now I'm committed to the weight loss...I'm obviously eating more than I did before...replacing junk snacks with fruit etc...everything that was set on my diary looks to be within the allowances set by MFP...I'd just feel happier if someone could cast their eye over it for me..
  • Walkingwithdogs
    Walkingwithdogs Posts: 69 Member
    That's tons....not tins !!
  • Walkingwithdogs
    Walkingwithdogs Posts: 69 Member
    psychod787 wrote: »
    I suggest that a pre or even a diabetic will see glucose improvement with weight loss. There are cases of high carb vegans putting their diabetes in remission with a high carb diet as long as they lose their excess weight.

    This is what I am.hoping for aswell as other health benefits..:)
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    In my entire lifetime, I've never found fruit to be a problem. I don't recall ever eating 2 or 3 apples or 2 peaches at one time. Obesity is the main factor that makes a mess out of your blood glucose.

    All baked goods contain the trifecta ingredients. Added sugars, fats and flour. They may all look differently but they contain the trifecta. The trifecta affects my blood glucose but fruits never have.

    Denise, you didn't mention any issues with your blood glucose. You're wondering about fruit for dieting purposes. CICO. CICO. CICO.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,232 Member
    Diatonic12 wrote: »
    In my entire lifetime, I've never found fruit to be a problem. I don't recall ever eating 2 or 3 apples or 2 peaches at one time. Obesity is the main factor that makes a mess out of your blood glucose.

    All baked goods contain the trifecta ingredients. Added sugars, fats and flour. They may all look differently but they contain the trifecta. The trifecta affects my blood glucose but fruits never have.

    Denise, you didn't mention any issues with your blood glucose. You're wondering about fruit for dieting purposes. CICO. CICO. CICO.

    She did mention being told by her doctor that she was borderline type 2 diabetic a year ago.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    Alrighty, then. I did miss that. Denise, take another test and see exactly where you stand. I have relatives who don't fast before they take any tests and their results are a roll of the dice. Confirmation is good.